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    Jaspreet Kour – Personal Philosophy on Child Care

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    A personal philosophy is something about the beliefs, thoughts, and ideas of an individual regarding the specific statement. My personal philosophy of child development is a mixture of numerous child development theories. Piaget theories, Kenneth H. Rubin, Mildred Parten are theorists that devote to my personal philosophy on child development. These child development theories contain special elements that construct the foundation of my personal philosophy on child development.

    The Core of Beliefs

    Jean Piaget is a first theorist of my personal philosophy. He was a Swiss theorist, who gave us an idea in which we can understand children. He represented his theory on the basis of cognitive development of the children. He described the children development through four cognitive developments. The stages are – Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete operational stage, and Formal operational stage. Here, as an educator, I will pay much attention to the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years) of cognitive development. According to my beliefs, this stage helpful in language development of the children. Children can learn more vocabulary and new words. Moreover, children can easily grasp new words by seeing pictures which represent the specific object. When I will work in an agency, I will use the preoperational stage of cognitive theory for the children’s language development. I will learn animal names to the children by showing the pictures and video instead the pronouncing the names verbally. For example, I will show a cat’s picture to the children so that they can learn easily and when they actually see a cat that they can recall the image of a cat. Because, children what they see, is stuck into the long term memory. In addition, I will narrate some poems to learn some new words and vocabulary to the children.

    My second core of beliefs is on Child’s social development and Kenneth H. Rubin’s theory support my belief. This theory depicts the development of children’s social, dramatic and cognitive play. Children’s social development is mostly influenced by their parents and peers. He observed the children’s development through six different types of play such as unoccupied play, solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative play, and co-operative play. This theory mainly focused on the treatment of those children who are suffered from anxiety disorder and socially and emotionally imbalanced. This research helps to enhance the social and emotional balance of these children by interacting them with the other children. Children who are social withdrawal to be assigned to the group activities so that they can make more friends. Rubin’s theory has three stages functional, constructive and dramatic, in which children play alone or in the group. As an educator, I will follow the constructive stage to enhance the children’s development. In this stage, I will give some creative activity to the children in which they have done this activity into the group instead of alone. For instance, I will make a group of 3-4 children and give them a creative activity that will be salt painting. In this, firstly child spread glue on the paper sheet and second children sprinkle the salt on the glue and third children spread the paint color on the sheet. At the end painting is ready and it seems like an amazing painting. After that, I will give positive reinforcement to the children so that they learn more actively. According to me, this activity is helpful for cognitive and social development of the children because children play in the group and they interact with each other during the activity, which helps for them to make new friends and feel confident and emotionally balanced. Furthermore, the child is interested to participate in the activity.

    My third core of belief is cognitive and social development of the children that hoe a child can think rationally and socially interact with others. This core of belief is supported by cultural-historical theory. This theory is given by Lev Vygotsky. This theory is focused on the importance of society and culture for promoting the level of cognitive development. In this, children assist in challenging and some meaningful activities. Parents play a major role in cognitive development as well as an early childhood educator. As an early childhood educator, I will encourage to the children parents that should participate in the children’s activity and give them positive reinforcement so that children can learn more confidentially. Moreover, parents provide more knowledge and skills to their children during the activity. For example, I will assist the parents to play with their children like to do block activity. First parents will give demonstrations to their children that how blocks can be fitted into the shaping board. Then, children do this activity by own self. Once they may be failed to fits the blocks into the shaping board. Sometimes they put the wrong block into the shape board but after repetition, they can put a right block into the right shaping board. I believe that by this action will increase the cognition level of the child and build up a good parents-children relationship. Moreover, they can keep things in mind for a long term by repetitions. Additionally, positive reinforcement gives the strength to the children.


    In order to conclude, I believe that it is important that children learn everything in a corrective manner. After successful completion of my graduation, as an early childhood educator, my focus will be on children’s learning activity and social interaction. Because childhood period is only the period in which children can explore themselves by doing some creativity. Social interaction is also very important for child development. I consider that if children play in the group then they can learn more rather alone and children’s confidence level also get the increase. And, he or she will not feel hesitate in front of others.


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