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    The Different James Bond

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    ‘James Bond’ is different again; here it contains a voice-over of an English male as opposed to the voices of the characters. The voice is eerie and chilling to listen to, putting further emphasis on the ice theme of the film. He talks of danger and how people like ‘Bond’ who live each day as they’re last living each to its full potential never knowing if the next one might not come. This creates a feeling of excitement and tension because it makes us wonder whether this is the final ‘Bond’ film and that we will never have the enjoyment of watching another.

    Making the audience really eager to see the film. The voice-over ends as the gunfire’s. The music in the ‘James Bond’ trailer is consistent throughout. After the dark introduction, it is the original theme tune for ‘Bond’ on electric guitars played by Oakefield. This helps to portray the common typical conventions of a ‘Bond’ film, and it is used successfully to promote this film. In ‘Spiderman’ the music is a strong, loud action tune that is constantly increasing in tempo throughout the trailer continuously through to the end. This music helps to portray the fast pace action theme on screen.

    Whereas in ‘Lord of the Rings’ the music starts off slow like the others but is not an action track like the others. It is very slow. It is a resonating, dramatic type tune that is really noticed at the start, but carefully and sutily, unlike the others it builds up in volume and tempo until it is really loud and standing out and shocks the viewer because they didn’t see it coming. Essentially standing out from the rest of the trailer and making an impression on the watcher that is a film not to be missed. The music is used to great effect on this to advertise this in a really good way that works.

    In ‘James Bond’ the only language that appears on screen is at the end. The words ‘Pierce Brosnan’ break through the picture. They are an icy cold style of writing in white with a pitch-black backdrop. Then ‘Die Another Day’ appears in the same style. Suddenly the barrel of the gun surrounds the writing. Then as the smoke is being blown away it turns into icy cold words ‘Coming Soon’. These are over a black background creating a final eerie feeling. The text on ‘Spiderman’ is of the same icy cold feeling, again at the end of the trailer. The blue letters ‘Spiderman, Coming Soon’.

    swing onto the screen. Very quick and impressive onto the viewer but is quickly gone ending the trailer, leaving a lasting impression of the theme of the trailer and film. The title graphics in ‘Lord of the Rings’ is very different from the other two. The text pops up throughout the trailer. It is a very bold, gold text using short phrases and hints of the plot, “Fate has Chosen him,” suggesting that he was meant to get the ring, that it is his destiny. “Fellowship will protect him”, what the entire film is about. Hinting at the plot of the film. “Evil will Hunt Him!

    ” Explaining what was going on with the screams and explosions on screen. Overall I think all the trailers do really well to promote each of the films. They all use a variety of techniques to show good aspects of the films. Most of the trailers use the same techniques in this genre but they are all used to promote each film in a way that suits it. I think that the ‘James Bond’ trailer is the best at making the film appeal to the viewer. And even though ‘Lord of the Rings’ is my favourite film. I feel that ‘James Bond’ was much better at promoting the film, which after all is what it was made to do.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Different James Bond. (2018, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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