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    Is music a good tool for health Essay

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    Music a good tool for health In the article is music a good tool for health by Elizabeth Scott the writer stated that has a profound effect on our body and mind rehear has show how music is benefiting on people’s mind and bodies and also people who are using music therapy are finding benefits of it in their cancer treatment and others.

    Furthermore, music helps in bringing positive state mind and help to cure deposing and anxiety problems that why now doctors are using music therapy to heal patients and help hem with their depression problems which all the researchers that have show that music help patient with their pain I agree that with the writers Elizabeth Scott that music is a good tool for healthy. First of all music bring happiness to many people faces and make them relax like Elizabeth Scott writes music help” aiding not only relaxation, but also health” I agree with her, nowadays where ever we go we hear music.

    For example the gym center they play fast track music or something that motivate people in the gym to do more exercise and lose more weight which eventually lead them to live a better healthy ivies in a yoga center also it’s plays calm music which help people to move their bodies gently and slowly to ease their muscle and reduce their stress level. Music therapy have so many benefits these day that why that’s why every hospital is now using it to help their patients.

    Another benefit is using therapy when patient are in pain listen to music it helps them forget that they in pain especially when it’s a music that they like. For example when I have headache and listen to my favorite music it ease my muscle and help me roger about my pain because at that time I would be thinking about dreaming about something really nice. Another benefit using music in our lives is that it help us focus.

    As Elizabeth Scott say’ faster beats bring sharper concentration and more alert thinking that make sense because I remember my high school teacher told me about he’s learning technique he told us in our class that when he was a student he could only learn and concentrate on his subject when he listen to loud and fast music he believed that that fast and Lund music help him learn faster and easier. However it’s the opposite ways for some people.

    Some people learn faster and easier when they listen to slow music because it help me for example I learn faster and easier when I listen to slow music because it help me to concentrate. Music have so many benefits that everybody is using to help them through their pain whether it’s related to the bodies or the mind. For me there is no doubt that music brings so many benefits to our body and mind. It helps us with pain management, depression and so many others. Is music a good tool for health By Idiot-Barry

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    Is music a good tool for health Essay. (2017, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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