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    Introspection Essay (679 words)

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    Walking on the boulevard in my senior high school, the ginkgo leaves which turned yellow in the fall reminded me of the unforgettable time at school. Although having left there, I still remembered how to grow up, becoming a more mature girl than ever before who could rise to the emergencies just as the green ginkgo leaves turned into yellow ones. The scene happened in this period of time flashed back to my mind, which seemed to occur just now. Thus, it was remarkably incredible that leaving my campus had been such a long time.

    Having entered the Student Community Union while being a year 10 student who didn’t have any experience of organizing and managing the activities of communities, upper fellows took us by the hand and taught us how to deal with many kinds of problems. By accumulating nearly one year’s experience, handling the routine matters alone was so common that I did not feel run-down at the beginning of assuming the president of the Student Community Union.

    Nevertheless, the Education Bureau ordered the school to set up more interesting communities for developing students’ skills in an all-round way. Therefore, taking actions to reform the Union’s and communities’ systems as soon as possible became what to do first. Later, the members of the Union had a discussion about how to improve the system and how to make the underway communities’ activities plain sailing with the help of the teacher in the ‘Youth League Committee’.

    Unfortunately, in the course of the discussion, we had a dispute on how to bring the ‘Family of Community’ mildness where communities had activities and how many kinds of communities would be founded. After voting to how to solve the problems, making an investigation aimed at school fellows in our campus was our final conclusion. Notwithstanding, there were too many students in our campus, and I was persevering with making inquiries to some students in each class and each grade.

    Doing summaries of this investigation until midnight almost every day had been a sort of habit at that time. Although having never thought whether to give up, at last, the sound in my heart told me to continue because the chance to success was given to the person who got ready. Felicitating on myself, everything comes to him who waits. Half a month later, 46 communities succeed to have their own activities in their own classes that were decorated by themselves to gain the sense of satisfaction.

    Many friends gradually realized the change that occurred I was doing everything calmly rather than in a flurry. In addition, in the process of handing over to the next president, to make him attempt to adapt this new condition, I passed on to him some summing-up experiences from the previous matters. Every time noticing the ginkgo leaves, what attitude was used to face difficulties, insisting on overcoming the obstacles in the past when being the president of the ‘Student Community Union’ constantly made me recognize how hard I would work afterwards, were engraved on my memory.

    Perhaps it was an undistinguished thing, but for me, a president who just took up it and had to renew the system, and this was a meaningful experience that could not be forgotten forever on account of knowing about how to face urgent and embarrassing circumstances with presence of mind in the face of disasters. Moreover, learning from experience, teamwork spirit is the strength of tiding over the tough time. Listening to others’ opinions is benefit for the methods to solve the problems.

    To sum up, this meaningful experience during the period of being a member of the Student Community Union taught how to grow up as soon as possible and how to be mature when dealing with something like a knotty problem. Even if intending to go abroad in the future, I firmly believe that I enjoy the great benefit of this experience and could flexibly use it into arbitrary condition like this. Consequently, I maintain I could be better and more mature to achieve the goal successfully.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Introspection Essay (679 words). (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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