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    International business paln Essay

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    Business Plan: Johnson & Stepps ConsultingJohnson & Stepps Consulting will be formed as a consulting company specializing in the marketing of high technology products in international markets. The mission at Johnson & Stepps Consulting will be to offer high-tech manufacturers a reliable, high quality alternative to in-house resources for business development, market development, and channel development on an international scale. A true alternative to in house resources offers a very high level of practical experience; know how, contacts, and confidentiality. Clients must know that working with Johnson & Stepps Consulting is a more professional, less risky way to develop new areas even than working completely in house with their own people.

    Johnson & Stepps Consulting must also be able to maintain financial balance, charging a high value for its services, and delivering an even higher value to its clients. Our initial focus will be development in the European and Latin American markets, or for European clients in the United States market. •Excellence in fulfilling the promise completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise and information. •Developing visibility to generate new business leads. •Leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation opportunities: retainer consulting, project consulting, market research, and market research published reports.

    The total projected start up expenses (including legal costs, logo design, stationery and related expenses) come to $73,000. Start up assets required include $3,000 in short term assets (office furniture, etc. ) and $1,000,000 in initial cash to handle the first few months of consulting operations as sales and accounts receivable play through the cash flow. Johnson & Stepps consulting is a new company providing high-level expertise in international high-tech business development, channel development, distribution strategies, and marketing of high tech products. It will focus initially on providing two kinds of international triangles: •Providing United States clients with development for European and Latin American markets.

    •Developing a market for our European and Latin American clients. As it grows it will take on people and consulting work in related markets, such as the rest of Latin America, and the Far East, and similar markets. As it grows it will look for additional leverage by taking brokerage positions and representation positions to create percentage holdings in product results. The corporation will be based in San Francisco, owned by its principal investors and principal operators.

    Some services we will provide are expertise in channel distribution, channel development, and market development, sold and packaged in various ways that allow clients to choose their preferred relationship: these include retainer consulting relationships, project based consulting, relationship and alliance brokering, sales representation and market representation, project-based market research, published market research, and information forum events. The company locations and facilities will be established in the Silicon area of California, the heart of the U. S. high tech industry. We will offer our customers the expertise a high-technology company needs to develop new product distribution and new market segments in new markets.

    This can be taken as high-level retainer consulting, market research reports, or project-based consulting. 1. Retainer consulting: We represent a client company as an extension of its business development and market development functions. This begins with complete understanding of the client company’s situation, objectives, and constraints. We then represent the client company quietly and confidentially,sifting through new market developments and new opportunities as is appropriate to the client, representing the client in initial talks with possible allies, vendors, and channels. 2.

    Project consulting: Proposed and billed on a per-project and per-milestone basis, project consulting offers a client company a way to harness our specific qualities and use our expertise to solve specific problems, develop and/or implement plans, develop specific information. 3. Market research: Group studies available to selected clients at $5,000 per unit. A group study is packaged and published, a complete study of a specific market, channel, or topic. Examples might be studies of developing consumer channels in Japan or Mexico, or implications of changing margins in software.

    1. The most significant competition is no consulting at all, companies choosing to do business development and channel development and market research in-house. Their own managers do this on their own, as part of their regular business functions. Our key advantage in competition with in-house development .

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    International business paln Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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