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    International Business Essay (739 words)

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    PhilippinesChief Products: Agricultural – rice, corn, coconut products, sugarcane,bananas, tobacco, peanuts, and livestock. Manufactured – processed food,textiles, chemicals, wood products, assembled automobiles, electronicsequipment, glass, rubber, and steel products. Mineral – chromite (chromiumore), copper, manganese, iron ore, and gold. Major Exports: Electronics,garments, transportation equipment and machinery, mineral and mineralproducts, coconut product, sugar, bananas, pineapple, and mangoes.

    MajorImports: Materials for the manufacture of electronics/electricalequipment. Major Trading Partners: USA, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Germany, Rep. of Korea and PROC. MajorInvestors: USA, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Taiwan, Argentina, VirginIslands, France, and Great Britain.

    The Philippines is mostly an agricultural nation, but it is developing inother industries. Rice is the most important food crop, and is grown onmany of the islands. The Central Luzon Plain is known as the nation’s”rice bowl. ” Corn is another important food crop, and the Filipinos eat iton a daily basis. Copra, or dries coconut meat, sugarcane and abaca arethe chief cash crops. Copra is processed to make fine oil for themanufacture of many items, particularly soap.

    Manufacturing is dominatedby the processing of agricultural products. Factories assemble automobilesand produce chemicals, plastics, rubber and steel goods, glass, plywood,and radios. Brunei DarussalamChief Products: Petroleum and natural gas. Major Exports: Oil and gas,and ready-made garments. Major Imports: Transportation equipment andmachinery, manufactured goods, and food chemicals. Brunei’s economy is dependent on its petroleum and natural gas, whichaccount for nearly all of its exports and more than 75% of its wealth.

    Brunei’s government just entered a new stage of development in its goal tobecome more economically diversified from their dependence on oil and gasby increasing investments in the construction industry. CambodiaChief Products: Agricultural – Rice, cassava, vegetables, fruits, corn,soybeans, sugarcane, rubber, and livestock. Manufactured – Agriculturaland forestry products and textiles. Mineral – Salt, phosphates, and ironore. Major Exports: Garments, textile product sawn, wood furniture, andrubber. Major Imports: Transport equipment and machinery, manufacturedgoods, and food chemicals.

    Cambodia’s economy is based largely on agriculture. The main food crop isrice, and they compete directly with the Philippines. Industry is limitedlargely to the manufacture of textiles and the processing of agriculturalproducts and timber. IndonesiaChief Products: Agricultural – rice, cassava, sugarcane, coconuts, copra,corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts, bananas, palm kernels, palm oil, kapok,coffee, tea, spices including pepper, nutmeg, and mace, soybeans, tobacco,and livestock. Industries and Products – petroleum refining, mining,forest products including timber, plywood, paper, and cinchona, metalsmelting, fishing, sugar refining, food processing, petrochemicals, cement,fertilizers, handicrafts, television, and radio sets.

    Minerals -petroleum, natural gas, tin, nickel, coal, copper, silver, gold, anddiamonds. Major Exports: Textile, electronic goods, footwear, oils, gas,plywood, and sawn timber. Major Imports: Chemical, pharmaceutical,fertilizer, cotton yarns, textile fabric, machines, and motor vehicles. Indonesia is a country rich in a number of natural recourses. There areplantations that specialize in products for export. Indonesia’s maintrading partners are the United States, Japan, and Singapore.

    LaosChief Products: Agriculture – rice, coffee, cotton, tobacco, andlivestock. Manufactured – forest products including timber, textiles, andprocessed agriculture products. Mineral – tin and salt. Major Exports:Coffee, electricity, clothing, wood and forest products, and gypsum.

    MajorImports: Industrial machinery, chemicals, iron, electrical machinery andparts, steel, oil, and construction materials and consumption goods. Like most countries in this area Laos’ economy is based mainly onagriculture, and they have an abundance of rice as well. There is verylittle industry, so most of it must be imported. MalaysiaChief Products: Agriculture – rubber, oil palm, rice, coconuts, copra,sago, cassava, corn, spices, hemp, tobacco, fruits, vegetables, andlivestock. Manufactured – palm oil, coconut oil, processed rubber, smeltedtin, refined petroleum and petroleum products, forestry products, processedfood, steel, tobacco products, textiles, television sets, motor vehicles,and handicrafts. Major Exports: Electronics and electric machinery,petroleum and LNG, textiles, clothing and footwear, palm oil, and sawtimber.

    Major Imports: Manufacturing inputs, machinery and transport,equipment, and metal products. Malaysia’s leading exports are mostly in the electrical and electronicsindustry. The country is rich in resources, and its economy is developingrapidly. Malaysia is the world’s largest exporter of palm oil. MyanmarChief Products: Agriculture – rice, sugarcane, sesame, peanuts, peas,beans, spices, fruits, and coconuts.

    Manufactured – processed foods,lumber, refined petroleum, textiles, medicines, and handicrafts. Mineral -petroleum, lead, silver, zinc, tin, tungsten, jade, rubies, and sapphires. Major Exports: rice, teak, beans and pulses, rubber, coffee, minerals,gems, and marine products. Major Imports: power tillers, hand tractors,fertilizer, diesel, oil, cement, dumper, loader and spare parts, waterpumps, and hydraulic excavator.Myanmar has very fertile soil and .

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    International Business Essay (739 words). (2019, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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