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    Ending is better than mending: The implications of Huxley’s Brave New World

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    In Aldous Huxley’s celebrated book. Brave New World. the citizens in the World State were conditioned to believe that “ending is better than mending” ; that purchasing a new point alternatively of mending the flawed one brings the greatest benefit to economic system and the universe they are populating in. When one’s ownerships become faulty.

    should one purchase the same point to replace it or possibly repair or see interchanging it? Buying new things means buying the same good. at a trade name new status. Mending is mending a damaged point to working status. Exchanging suggests the replacing of one good with another ; and ownerships imply material goods with pecuniary value attached to it. One of the advantages of purchasing new things when the old one is faulty or worn off is that it helps drive the economic system. as mentioned by Huxley.

    Consumer passing a direct factor that help raise an economic system. Consumer disbursement has obviously helped many states overcome its fiscal sufferings during the tough economic times. For illustration. the Nipponese economic system had grown a robust one per centum in the first one-fourth of 2012. mostly fuelled by a one per centum addition consumer disbursement.

    In the States. where consumer disbursement histories for approximately 70 % of the economic activity. the economic system grew at a arresting 2. 5 % during the 3rd one-fourth of 2011 due to increased retail gross revenues. However. purchasing a new merchandise when it becomes faulty is socially irresponsible.

    Replacing the good would ensue in the disposal of the damaged good which creates more wastage to the environment. In Singapore. autos are normally scrapped after ten old ages even though they could still be roadworthy. This consequences in increased wastage and demand for landfills.

    The Pulau Semakau landfill costs a brawny amount of $ 610 million to build. making another 1 with our limited land and resources would decidedly be a immense challenge to the state. Therefore. alternatively of purchasing a new point when defects arise.

    one could see repairing or interchanging it. Repairing the point could sometimes be less. For case. repairing a auto poses as a more feasible option in Singapore ; particularly in the recent old ages where autos monetary values are sky high. Alternatively of purchasing a new auto.

    changeless care enables the auto to still be roadworthy after 10 old ages. salvaging one a significant amount. Many electronic merchandises besides come with a warrant that allows exchange if it proves to be defective during the warranty period. This manner.

    one is still able to deduce personal satisfaction from repairing or interchanging at no cost. I feel that the determination between purchasing new things or mending and exchanging is dependent on many factors. For smaller value points or points where fix cost is more than a new merchandise. possibly.

    the wiser pick would be purchasing a new 1. However. for costly points or merchandises that allows exchanges. interchanging it could salvage one a important amount ; and repairing ownerships that are highly rare or have a personal fond regard could sometimes be the lone option for an person. Mention:1.

    Economy Grows Faster Than Expected in Japan – NYTimes. com. 2012. Economy Grows Faster Than Expected in Japan – NYTimes. com. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.

    nytimes. com/2012/05/17/business/global/japan-economy-growth. hypertext markup language. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] . 2.

    Shoppers’ disbursement helps raise economic system – Boston. com. 2012. Shoppers’ disbursement helps raise economic system – Boston. com.

    [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //articles. Boston. com/2011-11-16/business/30406328_1_sales-at-gasoline-stations-auto-sales-retail-sales. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] .

    3. Trash and burn: Singapore’s waste job | Reuters. 2012. Trash and burn: Singapore’s waste job | Reuters. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. reuters.

    com/article/2008/05/22/us-waste-singapore-idUSSP9046620080522. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] . 4. Semakau Landfill | Zero Waste Singapore.

    2012. Semakau Landfill | Zero Waste Singapore. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. zerowastesg.

    com/tag/semakau-landfill/ . [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] . 5. Reducing waste. reusing and repairing: Directgov – Environment and greener life.

    2012. Reducing waste. reusing and repairing: Directgov – Environment and greener life. [ ONLINE ] Available at:hypertext transfer protocol: //www.

    direct. gov. uk/en/Environmentandgreenerliving/Wasteandrecycling/DG_064367. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] .
    6. Repair Things – Fix Stuff – Repairs – The Daily Green.

    2012. Repair Things – Fix Stuff – Repairs – The Daily Green. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. thedailygreen.

    com/green-homes/latest/repair-things-461109. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] . 7. SparkNotes: Brave New World. 2012. SparkNotes: Brave New World.

    [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. sparknotes. com/lit/bravenew. [ Accessed 17 September 2012 ] .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ending is better than mending: The implications of Huxley’s Brave New World. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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