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    Why I Love Music Essay (1008 words)

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    Music is an essential part of the life of any single person. Nearly all people saying the word “music” understand not only the melody but also the words that they or somebody else is singing. It is one of the main ways for human beings to express their emotions and transfer their feelings making them clear for others. In human’s mind melody is associated with something bright and raised. It has an amazing possibility to touch the people and make them show their feelings. Music can have various characters, as well as people, do. It can be sad and full of sorrow or happy and full the lightness. It is impossible to fully understand the process of music effect on the human’s consciousness.

    The way music influence me

    I honestly can hardly imagine my love without music. It would be much more boring and uninteresting. Actually, listening to it is a part of my everyday life, and my life without music would be empty and destroyed. I enjoy it when I am listening to it on my player. I enjoy listening to my brothers playing the guitars. I also enjoy playing myself the piano reflecting the melody in my mind and letting someone hear it. I adore the incredible feelings that I experienced in all the mentioned situations. However, one day I started wondering about the reasons for such a stronger love for music. I was pondering about why I actually loved music so much.

    After a long time of my wondering and reasoning, I found out that there are lots of significant reasons to love music. This is strongly related to the way music influences me and the results of these influences. Some people cannot give an exhausted and immediate answer to the question: “Why do you love music?” They are definitely sure that they adore it because they feel something good that melody set in her hearts and consciousness. However, to name the strict arguments is not so easy and that was what I understood that moment. I needed to stop and think carefully to distinguish accurate purposes for my addiction to music.

    The reasons for my love for music

    The first reason why I love music is the ability to realize myself. With the help of music, I am able to show the surrounding world my identity. It is an instrument that gives me an opportunity to connect my inner world with the world that surrounds me. Creating melody playing on the piano I can inform the people about my feelings without any words. I can transfer these deep feelings in the melody and let others hear it and relive them with me. The music I make and listen characterize me as individuality, and I can explain my real nature in this way.

    The second significant argument why I love music is its ability to replace the therapist. I can have a hard day and be extremely tired and exhausted. This condition is similar to any person: you do not want to see anyone and answer their question, you feel deeply stressed and disappointed. In such moments music helps me to recover. It let me express all the negative emotions that fill my mind and obtain fresh, positive ones. Music helps me to calm down and find the reasons to smile. It is always great support in going through the hard times and completing difficult tasks. Music can give relief and make me feel better even if everything around me is full of complications.

    Another reason to love music is its ability to encourage and inspire. Influenced by music I experience the readiness to change the world and complete the list of great deeds. It inspires to be good and to develop my talents. It encourages me to be the motivator for others and to create something new. Music can lead me to some important decisions and helps to fulfill them in my life.

    My attitude to different kinds of music

    The meaning of the word “music” is really wide, and everyone fills this term with the meaning that is closer to him. It is impossible for people to be similar in all spheres as each person is an original individuality. That is an explanation why there are so many types of music. Different people create different music, and everyone chooses the kind that mostly appeals to them. There is a great variety of music styles and the most common among them are rap music, rock music, pop music, classical music.

    I can’t say that I love all the kinds. Some of them are hard for me to be accepted. I found the explanation for this in the different ways of how those types of music influence on me. I adore classical melodies as it feels me with only high positive emotions. It is that kind that makes extremely happy and full of energy. On the other hand, my attitude to rap or rock music can’t be positive. I do not blame those who are fond of this, but I can’t stand its aggressive attitude to life. Rap has lots of beats that is too much for me as fills my heart with the depressive feelings. The similar thing is about rock music as it is far from the peaceful and happy melody that my heart requires.


    I am extremely thankful for music is present in my life. Without it, my life would be dark and empty. I can hardly imagine how I would express my emotions without the possibility to make a melody. The varieties of different music’s kinds show how different and interesting all people are. Each person is an individual with a special and unique attitude to life, and all of us have a great opportunity to show the others our feelings by making melody. The same is about listening to music as everybody chooses what appeals especially for him. Consequently, music can say a lot about a person without using too many words.

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    Why I Love Music Essay (1008 words). (2017, Nov 26). Retrieved from

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