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    How is humour created in Roger McGough’s Essay

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    The intended audience of this poem is teachers in general, as this is the audience it would be most humorous to. The effect on the audience is rather strong, as they understand the situation and instead of sympathising with the students, laugh along with the teacher who is punishing them. It tells them that teachers can only take over control if violence is used as a punishment. The poem “Schoolroom on a Wet Afternoon” is all about the attitudes of children and how violence, guns and blades in society today will take over their innocence.

    This is represented through the rain, the “Wet Afternoon” as the rain isn’t just rain, it suggests that the sky is crying because it is known that they will become vicious and violent. The tone of this poem is extremely dull and boring. It uses long, descriptive, analytical sentences, within three rather large stanzas and has no real pattern in its structure. It contains no rhyming pattern, and uses much taboo language, which is language that isn’t spoken today, words that are politically incorrect, such as “Negroes”.

    However, this boring and dull tone reflects the mood that is present in that particular schoolroom on a “Wet Afternoon”. Whereas “the Lesson”, has a rhyming scheme, ABCB and uses stanzas that only consist of four lines each, which creates a regular tone. The tone is quite uplifting and jolly in this poem from the teachers’ point of view. This is not present in “The Schoolroom on a Wet Afternoon”, there is no sign of a jolly or happy tone. Also, in “The Lesson”, it uses a sarcastic tone, which again the other poem doesn’t have.

    Overall, the tones of these poems are generally different, however still holds a serious issue between the attitudes of students, teachers and the link within society today. For example in “The Schoolroom on a Wet Afternoon” talks about how society can change innocent children into violent people. BY JASPREET MANN JASPREET MANN Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our University Degree Teaching section.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How is humour created in Roger McGough’s Essay. (2017, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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