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    Humanity And Politics In Gullivers Travels Essay

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    The four parts of the bool are arranged in a planned order to show Swifts shame and disgust against humans. Swift seems to be criticizing human nature where as gulliver shows respect more than they deserveyn his first adventure in Lilliput where miniature people fight wars over the proper way to break an egg. which we can name this reason of wars in a way of criticizing British and European society, that annoys the leaders of Britain. this foolish reason of wars is the way of satirizing the politicians in a way of dealing with useless things and also in a way satirizing human nature. on the other hand the unexpected arrival of Gulliver into Lilliputians developed society made an unexpected effect on them.

    they don’t see themselves in the way that gulliver sees, they think themselves as normal and gulliver as an ugly giant. moreover the Lilliputians choose their goverment officials among rope dancers which is extremely ridicilous and resembles to the British goverment system. like this one, Lilliputians, in order to give Gulliver his freedom, prepared a contract. with this contract they thought that they got the control of gulliver but they failed.

    they falsely believe that they can control with power of their laws, a fault shared with the europeans. Lilliputians do not question their cultural norms because they don’t believe in any other living things exist on earth except them. and also they want to set free gulliver because they want to get rid of the symbol (gulliver) which reminds their smallness and they again want to think only abaut their greatness and being the most powerfull creatureyn his second voyage to giants land, Gulliver shocked with the treatment he face to face. yn giants land women look upon him as an animal, not a man and ignore his sexuality.

    He is undressed before them, pressed to their breasts and made to watch him undressed. he finds their skin and smell repulsive and understands the Lilliputians comments on his own appearance and smell. yn this land he is unable to protect himself moreover he relies on the protection of a nine year old girl. they are letting him to survive just for the Kings amusement. when gulliver offers king the secret of gunpowder, king refuses and gulliver surprised. because king said they have no enemy to fight here Swift making a strong statement against the meaningless of violence as made by the European statesyn his third voyage gulliver reaches Laputa.

    here the goverment floats over the kingdom which we can say a kind of physical represantation of European goverment system. moreover scientics shows the same reproach also. as result we can say , swift begins a hars critique of academia ans its theorocial issues with no practical applications. the result is a society in which science is exagurated for no real reason , and time is wasted as a matter of course. yn the fourth chapter gulliver reaches a stage at which he nolonger cares for humankind.

    he finds himself in a society controlled by creatures in a shape of horses. he starts to see humans disgusting. he also attracted by the simple way of living here. for the first time in all of his adventures, he drawn into a different belief system, seeing the horses as a superir society and coming to believe that his own culture is deeply flawned.

    as a conclusion we can say. humans are acknowledged to be intelligent, but immoral and brutish. .

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    Humanity And Politics In Gullivers Travels Essay. (2019, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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