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    How Has McDonald’s Been So Successful for So Long

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    McDonald’s is a successful restaurant, that is an empire that stretches around the entire world, making it one of the top choices for fast food. As powerful as the company is, it conducts a holistic lifestyle and unbalanced diet. In the mainstream of sociology, health is a huge factor that we tend to dismiss.

    Food is one of the main structures of health and not everything we consume is adequate for us. Healthy food should be a human right, as we have commercials and documents neglecting to show us the true colors behind the ingredients in our meals, which leads anyone to fall into a dysfunctional diet. In my inquiry and argument, I will make an understanding that having healthy food is a human right. It is important to show society what McDonald’s hamburgers are made of and encourage the globalization of food distribution to be honest. I will be providing research and experiments to show what is behind McDonald’s unhealthy menu.

    If we ask consumers about McDonald’s food many people state that it is decent, but the important question is if it is healthy? As we see McDonald’s commercials manipulate and drag us with the “100% real beef,” phrase but it has come to light as one of the outlets that causes health problems. As we have all been fooled through commercials and ad’s not everything, they show is real. Which makes us question what is behind the chicken McNuggets, or the Big Mac and most importantly if it is healthy for society.

    To start off, people all over the world that ingest McDonalds must come to realization that it can lead to obesity. A study published in the Lancet Medical Journal found those who frequently ate fast food gained 10, pounds more than those who did not eat at McDonalds. Also, were more than twice as likely to develop an insulin disorder linked to diabetes. These consumers do not measure the dangers of consuming fast food. Many people like the idea of drive through and having fast service.

    Yes, McDonalds is fast and convenient, but there can be so many alternatives. McDonalds isn’t the only fast food restaurant, there are healthier alternatives like Subway or even cooking at home. Researchers found that “Subway’s meal comes out at 265 calories, while the Big Mac meal hits a gluttonous 1230 calories,” (Foster par 1) those 1000 calories make a huge impact on someone’s diet. From the variety of studies and experiments that include people eating McDonald’s The Huff Post had a person consume McDonald’s for 30 days. With recordings and doctors, they helped show people the truth behind McDonald’s food. It was quite shocking when the studies showed his health became made a drastic turn in such a short period.

    They had predictions, but they never imagined the measures this challenge would come upon. “It turned out that in the 30 days, the then 32-year-old man gained 25 pounds, his cholesterol levels rose dangerously as did fatty accumulations in his liver, and he experienced mood swings, depression, heart palpitations and sexual dysfunction.” (Robbins, 2017) This experiment clearly showed that McDonald’s is a linked cause to health risks. From the promoting of ads and commercials McDonald’s is a major contribution to public health.

    They are underlying critique with false information from their menu through consistent manipulation. In another article it stated “When McDonald’s first opened, a soda was 7 ounces. Today, the child size is 12 ounces; a small is 16 ounces.” (Prairie, 2012) and my belief people tend to eat or drink what’s in front of them without considering how many calories are consumed especially children. If a person is exposed to a picture of appealing food, it increases an automatic craving.

    Many commercials and ads are a big contribution to public health they do go too far with the messages they bring out such as the “100% real beef.” when they know what they are providing is not 100% real beef. McDonalds seeks pressure into its consumers with the false advertisement. People deserve much more than fake food. Fast food is not the one and only cause, but the underlying critique causes dangerous habits and is one of the main contributors.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How Has McDonald’s Been So Successful for So Long. (2021, Apr 07). Retrieved from

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