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    How do The Disability Rights Movement

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    The following article ‘while grievance regarding medical issues can be addressed in a democratic society, no such avenue is available in a genocidal totalitarian regime such as the Nazi Third Reich’ is made firmly clear and accurate through the novels The disability Movement: From Charity to Confrontation written by Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zames and through the book The Nazi Doctors written by Jay Lifton. Years ago, people glared away these complaints regarding medical issues were discussed, and dramatic progress has been made ever since.

    The first book The Disability Rights Movement exactly talks about people with injuries and such difficulties they face with having a disability. The book additional states how light was shed on people with inabilities and how grievance medical issues were addressed in a democratic society through several programs that grant aid and support emotionally and physically.

    Cases regarding medical problems can be treated in a democratic society through rules and regulations. For example, numerous companies and Acts mentioned in the book such as March of Dimes, Americans with Disability Act, and the League of the Physically Handicapped. The League of the Psychically handicapped was innovative since this organization was the first well-known organizations nationally that obliged rights and scatter light to those with disabilities.

    The organization factored disabilities in general rather than specific ones like parent received childhood disability. Initially, the parents-initiated childhood disability organization focused on a particular type of disability. This position with a disability was addressed by Franklin D. Roosevelt who happened to have a disability as well. Franklin D. Roosevelt himself suffered from a disability such as polio.

    Rather than seeing this as negative and lowered upon by the public, Franklin D Roosevelt’s disability was seen as a moral boost. A man with a disability ran the president of the greatest country in the world. This determined that a man with a disability ran a limitation of the greatest country in the world. This proved that a disability does not prevent people from reaching success or their goals.

    Not only did Franklin D Roosevelt take part in rendering help to people with disability. Former President George Bush has also played a role in helping people with weakness and helping organizations for people with disabilities. Besides having spent his formative years with an uncle, his mother’s brother John, who used a wheelchair as a result of polio, 34 President Bush had three children with Disabilities.

    His daughter died of leukemia when she was three years old, one of his sons had a colostomy after part of his colon was removed in 1986, while another son is dyslexic. 35 Parrino recalls Representative Coelho’s comment: ‘Geroge Bush does not get enough credit for the ADA. If he hadn’t wanted it, we wouldn’t have had it.

    He made it very clear that he wanted that bill on his desk at some point in time, and he wanted to sign it. ’36 Like President Bush, Representative Coelho (who has epilepsy), Senators Weicker (R-Conn) and Harkin and Representative Hoyer (who have family members with disabilities), are examples of governmental figures with intimate knowledge of disability who played a vital role in the passage of the ADA'(92 Fleischer). This shows that more than one president and leader suffered from a disability and wanted to cast more light on the topic.

    Later in the article, I will talk about Adolf Hitler, who determined to destroy Jews and people with inabilities to have peace rather than help them out such as in a democratic society as our presidents have. Furthermore, such injuries were addressed through the beginning of political organizations to raise awareness such as March of Dimes which is an organization of people with all kinds of disabilities. Moreover, disability organizations have become more versatile, since the Americans with Disability Act helps society as a whole.

    Besides, the subsequent statement ‘Because the general public accepted rehabilitation and inclusion into the mainstream for disabled veterans of the two world wars more readily than for civilians with disabilities, disabilities, disabled veterans were the first to make progress in social integrations’ (170 Fleischer). This shows that society immediately accepted veterans rather than the general public with a disability. However national organizations help organized people with disabilities as one. This is so since any person can produce and feebleness in their lifetime.

    As you can see in a democratic society, where people have the liberty to choose their rulers and blame them if they violate fundamental human rights, such cases concerning medical issues can be addressed through the reasons mentioned before. However, no such avenue is available in comprehensive genocidal management such as the Nazi Third Reich. This is so because a commander is in charge, for example, Adolf Hitler. Adlof Hitler wanted to get rid of anyone that was not part of the ‘pure race.’

    He saw anyone that is not German as of cancer. The victims of the Nazi genocide were mainly anyone who was not part of the Aryan race, the Jews, had an inability, and part of mix race. In a democratic society, such grievances can be spouted through laws and national organizations, yet Adolf Hitler had somthing else in mind. The prison doctors under the Nazi Doctors, who are under Adolf Hitler, physically examined these victims without the victim’s permission.

    This resulted in either injury, death, or a disability. Moreover, the Nazi’s caused such disabilities by abuse of medicine and experiments in which they sent the Jews to the gas chambers wiping our thousands at once. In Auschwitz, Nazi doctors managed over the murder of most of the nation million victims of the camp. Doctors performed selections both on the ramp among arriving carriers of prisoners and later in the camps and the medical blocks. Doctors conducted the killing in the gas chambers and decided when the victims were dead.

    Doctors conducted murderous epidemiology, transferring to the gas chamber group of people with contagious diseases and sometimes including everyone else who might be on the medical block. Doctors ordered and controlled, and at times out, direct killing of incapacitated patients on the medical blocks utilizing phenol injections into the bloodstream or the heart.

    In conjunction with all of these killings, doctors kept up a trick of medical legitimacy; for deaths of Auschwitz prisoners and of strangers brought there to be killed, they confirmed false death certificates listing spurious illnesses.’ (23 Lifton). This shows that Jews and people with a disability had no way out and they were forcefully put to death to preserve the pure race. As you can see in a democratic society grievance can be addressed however under the Nazi rule people with disabilities, and the Jews no say and were unfortunately put to death.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How do The Disability Rights Movement. (2021, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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