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    Homeschooling Provides You a Better Atmosphere to Learn

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    Education is an application of the schooling process to obtain knowledge, skills, values, morals and beliefs. So, technically how you learn depends on the process that is schooling. Some parents have concerns related to academics and social environment, also every child is not the same therefore, opting out homeschooling is a good option for them. It gives children a personal space which helps them in building self-confidence which they need in every aspects of the life. Luffman (1998) stated that homeschooling occurs when a child participate in his or her education at home rather than attending a public, private or other type of school.

    Basically, Homeschooling is a bless to education as it offers high academic success, better environment to gain knowledge and helps child to grow physically as well as mentally at their own pace. Academic Success is highly important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value. It is a very common opinion that homeschoolers are less prepared and they do not perform well in academics. But this baseless opinion is completely wrong because the facts and statistics tells us a different story. According to a study conducted by National Home of Education Research Institute (2016), it is found that homeschoolers scored 15 to 30 points higher on standardized academic tests.

    This clearly means that homeschooled students have a good track of performing well in academic tests and not only in studies, a study by National Federation of State High School Association (2013) revealed that 29% of homeschooled students of high school age participate in sports and are more likely to develop discipline, patience, ethics, good habits and many others things which one must have to achieve success in life. Moreover, a homeschooled child gets more attention individually, being a parent as well as teacher you can have a simple conversation which focuses on goals and guide your child to the right path.

    Consequently, homeschoolers are found to be more physically and mentally strong and can give a more efficient and practical solutions to certain kind of problems. Environment plays a significant role in your learning process. Peace, Focus, Goals and time management are some necessities of a better environment. Homeschooling provides you a better atmosphere to learn through flexible time tables and socialization. You can select a time table which fits you best and you can organize your daily routines accordingly. It also comes with a lot of week activities which helps you in socialization. According to Brian Ray (1997), homeschooled children are more involved in week activities like field trips, Sunday classes, bible clubs, group tasks etcetera.

    Doing such activities helps children to learn how to prioritize things, what are their strengths and weaknesses, how to deal with problems, how to win with grace, how to accept the failures and many more. It helps students to build maturity and how to make decisions professionally. According to romannowski (2001), homeschooled students are comparably scored above the median in the tested areas of math, science and verbal skills. This means that homeschoolers gets a more peaceful and focused environment to acquire knowledge Moreover, effective learning gives the child freedom to think more independently which helps them in knowing and exploring the world more deeply. Homeschooled students are good in expressing what they feel because they know how to think about themselves and aren’t easily influenced by peer pressure.

    Every child is not the same in terms of their thinking skills, management skills, reaction to a problem, confidence level, speaking skills etcetera. So, each and every child should be treated the way they need to be treated. Homeschooling provides you with one to one tutoring and emotional intelligence which are beneficial and helpful in one’s overall development. It is, in effect, one to one tutoring which helps students to learn individually at their own pace and promotes fair and genuine learning environment. It ensures that student masters the basic skills before moving to the advanced-one. According to bohons (2012), “Homeschooling empowers students to understand, enjoy and preserve freedom and moral responsibilities embodied in America’s principles”. Furthermore, there is a famous quote by Aristotle, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. Learning from parents strengthens the parent-child bond. It gives them opportunity to parents to take responsibility of their children education and set curriculum guidelines for them.

    They spend more time with their kids which creates a very friendly and happy environment among the family. Also, children feel free to share their problems with them. Families are able to travel together and parents share their life experiences in order to guide their children right path. Moreover, it makes you emotionally very strong which is needed to be professionally successful in life. In conclusion, seeing the benefits of homeschooling, it is better place to learn and acquire knowledge. It is not only about learning or gaining knowledge, but also about the social interaction, flexibility of time and environment one’s child gets for learning. Homeschoolers are much more confident and can ask anything they want or feel without getting bullied from others. Joining homeschool is also better for children’s characteristics as they spend more time with their parents and people that their parents are approve of. All this gives children a healthy atmosphere to grow. It all depends on the parents thinking, what according to them is best suited for their children’s.

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    Homeschooling Provides You a Better Atmosphere to Learn. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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