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    High Renaissance (+ Durer) Essay

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    Annunciation, da Vinci
- Mary has her fingers in the Bible, suggesting foreknowledge of annunciation scene
- display of skill with painting drapery
- follows style of Flemish painters - but to suit Italian needs
    Annunciation, da Vinci
    – Mary has her fingers in the Bible, suggesting foreknowledge of annunciation scene
    – display of skill with painting drapery
    – follows style of Flemish painters – but to suit Italian needs
    Battle of the Nudes, Pollaiuolo
- first mass-reproduced piece, made w etched bronze
- emphasis on the outer body, musculare in motion/distortion
    Battle of the Nudes, Pollaiuolo
    – first mass-reproduced piece, made w etched bronze
    – emphasis on the outer body, musculare in motion/distortion
    Dissection of a centenarian, da Vinci
- Unlike others, da Vinci showed great interest into the internal workings of a human
- wanted to find where in the body life was generated and where the soul lives
    Dissection of a centenarian, da Vinci
    – Unlike others, da Vinci showed great interest into the internal workings of a human
    – wanted to find where in the body life was generated and where the soul lives
    Tomb of Julius II slaves, Michelangelo
- figures embody various emotional states: defeat, rebellion
- contorted bodies reflect Michelangelo's inspiration by Laocoon and Belvedere torso
    Tomb of Julius II slaves, Michelangelo
    – figures embody various emotional states: defeat, rebellion
    – contorted bodies reflect Michelangelo’s inspiration by Laocoon and Belvedere torso
    Last supper, da Vinci
- unlike other depictions of the time, the figures are dynamic
- very clear story is told through the image
- Judas is not made clear
    Last supper, da Vinci
    – unlike other depictions of the time, the figures are dynamic
    – very clear story is told through the image
    – Judas is not made clear
    Madonna and Child with St. Anne and St. John, da Vinci
- figures resemble ancient greek sculpture
- coalesce to form a single being in composition
- Leonardo's color scheme
    Madonna and Child with St. Anne and St.

    John, da Vinci
    – figures resemble ancient greek sculpture
    – coalesce to form a single being in composition
    – Leonardo’s color scheme

    Vitruvian Man, da Vinci
- attempted to relate the human body to perfect forms like square and circle
    Vitruvian Man, da Vinci
    – attempted to relate the human body to perfect forms like square and circle
    Tempietto, Bramante
- site of execution of St Peter, the first pope
    Tempietto, Bramante
    – site of execution of St Peter, the first pope
    – “perfect” architecture in terms of proportions, symmetry, etc.
    School of Athens, Raphael
- represents philosophy
- able to distinguish all figures just from visual cues
- Plato is pointing up, Aristotle is pointing down
    School of Athens, Raphael
    – represents philosophy
    – able to distinguish all figures just from visual cues
    – Plato is pointing up, Aristotle is pointing down
    San Zaccaria Altarpiece, Bellini
- Venetian Art
    San Zaccaria Altarpiece, Bellini
    – Venetian Art
    Durer as Jesus, Albrecht Durer
    Durer as Jesus, Albrecht Durer
    Apocalypse, Durer
    Apocalypse, Durer
    Feast of the Rosary, Durer
-only altarpiece painted by Durer, he considered it greater than the Italian altarpieces
    Feast of the Rosary, Durer
    -only altarpiece painted by Durer, he considered it greater than the Italian altarpieces
    Great Piece of Turf, Durer
    Great Piece of Turf, Durer
    Madonna in the Meadow, Raphael
- pyramidal composition
- subtle chiaroscuro
- style change to follow Leo's sensational style
    Madonna in the Meadow, Raphael
    – pyramidal composition
    – subtle chiaroscuro
    – style change to follow Leo’s sensational style
    Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Michelangelo
- ignudi are various nude youths strewn around the scene, become more agitated the closer they are to God
- prophets and sibyls are seated on thrones around the chapel ceiling
- Virgin Mary and Christ child behind God @ creation of Man scene
- drunkenness of noah resembles normal, conservative painting
    Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Michelangelo
    – ignudi are various nude youths strewn around the scene, become more agitated the closer they are to God
    – prophets and sibyls are seated on thrones around the chapel ceiling
    – Virgin Mary and Christ child behind God @ creation of Man scene
    – drunkenness of noah resembles normal, conservative painting

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    High Renaissance (+ Durer) Essay. (2017, Dec 18). Retrieved from

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