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    The Stereotypes of Superheroes

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    Who’s your favorite superhero? Do they seem to be like the overall perfect human? Can you relate to where they come from? Since the beginning creation of superheroes, many of them are stereotyped. The creators often stereotype their skin color, the way women dress, the type of body it takes to be a hero, their culture, and where they come from.

    In todays society, almost every type of superhero is stereotyped. A superhero that is generally stereotyped is Hulk. Hulk is stereotyped in a particular way, that to have a abundant amount of strength, you have to get angry, have gigantic muscles, and turn into a mutant. This kind of depiction gives viewers a one sided vision on what a superhero is/looks like.

    The Incredible Hulk is a fictional Marvel Comics character, that has two identities. The first identity is Dr. Bruce Banner. This person is a physically weak human, insanely smart, and can’t control his emotions. Dr. Banner created this gamma bomb which caused his mutation, thus turning him into the Incredible Hulk. The second, is the Hulk. He is a freakishly, ginormous, green giant, who is extremely muscular, and also has a immeasurable amount of strength. His intent is to fight against evil, but is often stereotyped because of his looks.

    According to Stuart Lenig, “ The Incredible Hulk is a enduring Marvel Comics character who first appeared in his self – titled series in May, 1962” ( Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels). In the beginning of the series, Dr. Banner is exposed to an extraordinary amount of gamma radiation, which causes him to turn into the Hulk. When Banner is physically transformed into the Hulk, due to situations that cause emotional stress, this leads to destructive rampages.

    The Incredible Hulk is your average stereotypical superhuman. He is capable of having the potential for a immeasurable amount of physical strength which is activated by his emotions, thus turning him into a huge monster. His ability to regenerate and gain endurance also increase the more angrier he gets.

    He has shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including being able to breathe underwater, surviving in space, and when injured, healing from wounds within seconds. According to Stuart Lenig, “ The Hulk was the quintessence of human rage” ( Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels).

    This particular stereotype is telling the audience that, in order to be capable of gaining an abundance amount of strength, you have to possess a major anger problem, then turn into something you are not. This kind of depiction gives viewers a one sided vision on what a superhero is/looks like. According to Noah M. Collins, “Often, the experiences that give rise to stereotyped beliefs are also implicit and embedded in a society’s culture.

    Implicit messages that give rise to stereotypes are broadcast by societal institutions” (Encyclopedia of Counseling). This is explaining that, as the society views the hulk, they get the depiction that to gain this strength, you have to unlock human rage. Which leads to the conclusion of a stereotype. There are many different ways to achieve great human strength, rather than exposure to gamma radiation (steroids) or human rage (anger).

    So, have you thought about your favorite superheroes? Can you find a stereotypical trait about them? In most cases, every hero in comic book history does. A primary example, as used, is the Hulk. Using theses types of one sided depictions, can change the way a society views things as a whole.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Stereotypes of Superheroes. (2021, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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