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    Health Lesson and Observation Essay

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    Mrs. Tuttle is currently incorporating Health into the curriculum. The second half of the year is when the children learn their Health lessons. More often than not, it takes the place of Science. This is just the beginning of basic Health, nothing too intensive.

    The lesson I am going to teach, was my own idea. It will incorporate Health and Physical Education Activity, and will take place in the gym. When I told Mrs. Tuttle about it, she thought it was absolutely the cutest idea. The lesson I am going to use is a relay race game called “Dem Bones”. The students will be in teams of about 5 children.

    They will all be at one end of the gym. At the other end of the gym, there will be a pile of laminated bones. The children will have to run down one at a time, and retrieve the bone that is written on a card that they will draw from a hat. They will bring that bone back, and begin to create a skeleton on the wall with masking tape.

    The first group to have a I will provide my own made up lesson plan for this lesson. No materials will be needed from the teacher. I will have my own already prepared. I attended Chestnut when I was in grade school, so I already knew what I was going to see when I got there. The classrooms are all still set up the same way they were when I left 10 years ago.

    They are all very clean. The desks are spaced well, to avoid tripping, and too much talking. Physically the school is the best one in my town. This school is also very emotionally excellent. The teachers are very warm and friendly.

    There are lots of colors, posters, pictures and signs on the walls, to emphasize the warmth and friendliness. The children, mostly, are very polite. The only thing that surprised me was the amount of helpfulness. They were willing to do anything for Mrs. Tuttle.

    I think it was because her style of teaching was so effective. She never raised her voice, she simply stopped talking. They all got quiet, and she started again. They were very attentive after that.

    I think she only had to do that one time in the time that I was there. They seemed very excited to hear what she had to say. I think this was mostly because this is the first time they have has an actual Health class, and book. I am not apprehensive at all about teaching this lesson. I know it is a good lesson, and I am very comfortable in front of a classroom.

    Also the children seemed to like me. Bibliography: .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Health Lesson and Observation Essay. (2019, Mar 28). Retrieved from

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