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    Radiology 1 Images

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    Lisfranc Fx (Metatarsal displaced from Tarsus - rarely heals fully)
    Lisfranc Fx (Metatarsal displaced from Tarsus – rarely heals fully)
    Colles Fx
    Colles Fx
    Smith Fx
    (Palmar angulation of radial tip)
    Smith Fx
    March Fx
    March Fx
    Jones Fx
    Jones Fx
    Boxers Fx
    Boxers Fx
    Osteopetrosis (
    Osteopetrosis (“Stone bones”)
    Normal Hip
    Normal Hip
    Normal Ankle
    Normal Ankle
    Normal Foot
    Normal Foot
    Normal Hand
    Normal Hand
    Normal Shoulder
    Normal Shoulder
    Scotty Dog (Anterior Oblique view of Lumbar spine best for viewing Pars Interarticularis Fx aka Spondylolysis)
    Scotty Dog (Anterior Oblique view of Lumbar spine best for viewing Pars Interarticularis Fx aka Spondylolysis)
    Prostate Cancer (Diffuse Metastatic)
    Prostate Cancer (Diffuse Metastatic)
    Osteopetrosis (
    Osteopetrosis (“Stone bones”)
    Prostate Cancer (Localized Metastatic)
    Prostate Cancer (Localized Metastatic)
    Avascular Necrosis (Note white hot areas)
    Avascular Necrosis (Note white hot areas)
    Avascular Necrosis of Femur (Note white hot areas)
    Avascular Necrosis of Femur (Note white hot areas)
    Medullary Bone Infarct
    Medullary Bone Infarct
    Medullary Bone Infarct
    Medullary Bone Infarct
    Pagets Disease (localized, pelvic area)
    Pagets Disease (localized, pelvic area)
    Pagets of Femur (with Fx)
    Pagets of Femur (with Fx)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Subperiosteal Bone Resorption)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Subperiosteal Bone Resorption)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Erosion of Distal Clavicle)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Erosion of Distal Clavicle)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Brown tumors)
    Hyperparathyroidism (Brown tumors)
    Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in children)
    Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in children)
    Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in children)
    Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in children)
    Rachitic Rosary (sign of Rickets)
    Rachitic Rosary (sign of Rickets)
    Osteomalacia (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in Adults = older version of Rickets, after epiphyseal closure has occurred)
    Osteomalacia (Vitamin D deficiency and malnutrition in Adults = older version of Rickets, after epiphyseal closure has occurred)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Geographic)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Geographic)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Mottled)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Mottled)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Permeative)
    Osteolytic Metastatic Disease (Permeative)
    Multiple Myeloma (late stage)
    Multiple Myeloma (late stage)
    Multiple Myeloma (
    Multiple Myeloma (“punched out” resorptive lesions)
    Multiple Myeloma (
    Multiple Myeloma (“punched out” resorptive lesions)
    Multiple Myeloma of Pelvis (
    Multiple Myeloma of Pelvis (“punched out” resorptive lesions)
    Osteomyelitis (of 2nd MT, infection and inflammation)
    Osteomyelitis (of 2nd MT, infection and inflammation)
    Osteomyelitis (of Femur, infection and inflammation)
    Osteomyelitis (of Femur, infection and inflammation)
    Osteomyelitis (of Tibia)
    Osteomyelitis (of Tibia)
    Septic Arthritis (of the Elbow)
    Septic Arthritis (of the Elbow)
    Comminuted Fx
    Comminuted Fx
    Segmental Fx
    Segmental Fx
    Butterfly Fx
    Butterfly Fx
    Salter Harris I (Straight across the Growth Plate)
    Salter Harris I (Straight across the Growth Plate)
    Salter Harris II (Growth Plate + Metaphysis -> Most Common)
    Salter Harris III (Growth Plate + Epiphysis)
    Salter Harris III (Growth Plate + Epiphysis)
    Salter Harris III (Growth Plate + Epiphysis)
    Salter Harris III (Growth Plate + Epiphysis)
    Salter Harris IV (Fx through all 3 Elements)
    Salter Harris IV (Fx through all 3 Elements)
    Salter Harris V (Compression Fx of Growth Plate - Uncommon)
    Salter Harris V (Compression Fx of Growth Plate – Uncommon)
    Scaphoid Fx (MC Carpal Fx, danger of Avascular Necrosis)
    Scaphoid Fx (MC Carpal Fx, danger of Avascular Necrosis)
    Buckle Fx (aka Torus, Impaction Fx from FOOSH injury on distal Radial metaphysis)
    Buckle Fx (aka Torus, Impaction Fx from FOOSH injury on distal Radial metaphysis)
    Radial Head Fx
    Radial Head Fx
    Supracondylar Fx (usually distal Humerus just above the Epicondyles in a child)
    Supracondylar Fx (usually distal Humerus just above the Epicondyles in a child)
    Hip Fx (Proximal Femur Fx usually bc of Osteoporosis)
    Hip Fx (Proximal Femur Fx usually bc of Osteoporosis)
    Pronator Quadratus Fat Stripe
    Pronator Quadratus Fat Stripe
    Charcot Arthropathy (Neuropathic Joint destruction, usually insidious onset in Diabetics)
    Charcot Arthropathy (Neuropathic Joint destruction, usually insidious onset in Diabetics)
    Greenstick Fx (MC in young soft bone of a child, bone cortex on one side intact)
    Greenstick Fx (MC in young soft bone of a child, bone cortex on one side intact)
    Charcot Arthropathy (Neuropathic Joint destruction, usually insidious onset in Diabetics)
    Charcot Arthropathy (Neuropathic Joint destruction, usually insidious onset in Diabetics)
    Infectious Arthritis
    Infectious Arthritis
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Rheumatoid Arthritis (Atlantoaxial Subluxation)
    Rheumatoid Arthritis (Atlantoaxial Subluxation)
    Gout Arthritis
    Gout Arthritis
    Ankylosing Spondylitis (
    Ankylosing Spondylitis (“Bamboo Spine”)
    Ankylosing Spondylitis (
    Ankylosing Spondylitis (“Bamboo Spine”)
    Odontoid View (Normal)
    Odontoid View (Normal)
    C spine Degenerative Changes
    C spine Degenerative Changes
    DISH (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis = enthesopathy, ossification of the ligaments and entheses - older demographic than AS)
    DISH (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis = enthesopathy, ossification of the ligaments and entheses – older demographic than AS)
    T spine Compression Fx
    T spine Compression Fx
    Spondylolisthesis (forward displacement of usually the 5th Lumbar Vertebra, after a Fx)
    Spondylolisthesis (forward displacement of usually the 5th Lumbar Vertebra, after a Fx)
    Jefferson Fx (of the anterior and posterior arches of C1)
    Jefferson Fx (of the anterior and posterior arches of C1)
    Hangmans Fx (Spondylolisthesis where C2 is displaced anteriorly relative to C3 bc of hyperextension of the head, usually bc of car accident deceleration)
    Hangmans Fx (Spondylolisthesis where C2 is displaced anteriorly relative to C3 bc of hyperextension of the head, usually bc of car accident deceleration)
    Burst Fx (high energy axial load, more severe than compression fx)
    Burst Fx (high energy axial load, more severe than compression fx)

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    Radiology 1 Images. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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