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    Having a Growth Mindset Will Help Me Become a Better Person

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    I wish I could write an enormous list of things I have done and ways that I have contributed to society, however, it is my thought that I will do so, but have not reached my goals- YET! I do believe that I have the power to improve. Having this growth mindset will help me to reach my goals and become a better person. A person who thinks of others, as well as herself.

    I like to think that in my nineteen years that I have helped to contribute to society in some ways. I currently desire to help others. I practice this by always being ready to offer to help others in any situation that I am able. One specific way that I contribute is by helping my father do lead and Radon Testing for lower income housing. This helps the residents to qualify for grants and programs that will improve their living situation and make it healthy for them and allows them to remain in their current home and not have to move to safer place. I have been doing this for about a year, and hope to continue assisting him in this way.

    Helping the environment is another way that I contribute to society. I am cautious about the amounts of water that I use and conserving electricity, as well as not littering. I believe that by helping the environment, I am helping others as well. I know that this is a small start, but with more practice and discovering more ways I can contribute, I believe that I can improve on these as well as adding lots of other ways.

    Pursuing my education is another way that I can also contribute. Becoming an educated citizen will help me to be a contributing member of society. My education will lead to job opportunities and maybe even one that serves the public.

    Obeying laws and being obedient also achieve this goal by helping to keep myself and others safe. I believe that I am setting a good example by doing this. Following safety rules, will not only protect you but keeps you from putting others in harms’ way.

    I like to think of others first. Thinking of others is extremely important to me because I believe that it is the best way to contribute to society. I am a very generous person. Volunteering to help others is a quick, easy, and polite thing to do. It doesn’t take any special training or skill. It just takes a willing heart and a heart for people. Believing in yourself and knowing that you can make a difference is also very important.

    I am unsure of what my future holds. I am currently undecided about what I want to do or be. That is OK. I know that with more education, more experience, and more time, I will good decisions and narrow down my choices to one that I feel like will be satisfying to myself and a contribution to others.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Having a Growth Mindset Will Help Me Become a Better Person. (2022, Dec 14). Retrieved from

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