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    Hatred and selfishness Essay (346 words)

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    Sheila strips down her clothes to her underwear to the realisation that she is not worthy of them “It’s simply my fault that in the end she – commited suicide. ” Sheila belives that because she helped put Eva Smith into a position where she can’t enjoy anything, Shiela wants to refrain herself from the nice things in life from now on.

    Mrs.Birling however keeps on all of her clothes and jewellry to represent her ingnorance and arrogance to the situation, even now she has been made aware that she helped towards Eva Smith’s demise she still thinks that she was right in using her authority because of her pride to turn Eva Smith away. When talking of what she had done Mrs. Birling tends to use words such as “naturally” and “simply” as if there was absolutly no wrong in what she had done at all. “simply a piece of gross impertinance” “naturally that was one of the things that prejudiced me against her case.

    ” The structure of the play is set out as a ‘whodunnit’ with one line of enquiery at a time. “One line of enquiery at a time. Otherwise we’ll all be talking at once and won’t know were we are. ” This is done so that there is no confusion with the messages being conveyed. This whodunnit structure has been tapered with, as usually at the end you know who did it, and why, but at the end of this play there is no specific culprit, and nobody murdered anybody because Eva Smith commited suicide.

    Priestly wanted you to have full understanding of the characters, so to help convey what each character was learning there are no intervals, just as in real life you would not be able to break and forget about what’s happening for half an hour then go back to life, Priestly wants to show this is in real time as it’s happening, just like life. have. And from this play it would seem that if I had any of these diseases, that trouble would surely come my way.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hatred and selfishness Essay (346 words). (2017, Oct 31). Retrieved from

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