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    Gatsby’s Unrealistic American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay

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    The term “American Dream” is defined as an idea which believes that all people have the possibility of prosperity and success. The idea first came from James Adams, a noted American writer and historian. He claimed, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement. ” Therefore, the core concepts of the American Dream were closely linked to hard work and opportunity.

    However, this idea began to lose its value when people started to use unethical methods to become wealthy. The 19th century’s excessive industrialization lured innumerable numbers of immigrants to come to America with their lofty hopes. As they dreamt high, it could not live up to their expectations (Warshauer). As a result, the American Dream became a tantalizing and unattainable concept.

    Of course, the origin of this concept is the United States of America. In fact, this notion is “the prospect born out of the Declaration of Independence: the freedom of all men to pursue their dreams and goals in life with the only strings attached is that they are willing to work for it” (Excelsior). However, even though the American Dream did actually exist, this concept only included the rich and powerful. For the majority of the population who eagerly migrated to the United States in order to experience this concept, the American Dream was nothing but a lie (Ditchfield). The harsh reality of this dream was stunning.

    These facts concerned the immigrants who sought to realize their dreams in America:The unwanted consequence of their careless pursuit of wealth and happiness was caused by the lofty hopes of the American Dream. Therefore, I believe that this term has led innumerable populations to suffer. . . n underlying force of this unique novel.

    Works CitedFitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. C. J.

    Dawson. “The American Dream and the Great Gatsby. ” Helium. 12 February 2011.

    com/items/804056-the-american-dream-and-the-great-gatsby>. Ditchfield, Sydney. “Living the American Dream. ” Helium. 12 February 2011.

    < http://www. helium. com/items/1579618-american-dream>. Excelsior.

    “Living the American Dream. ” Helium. 12 February 2011. < http://www. helium. com/items/1440388-american-dream>.

    Warshauer, Matthew. “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” American Studies. 12 February 2011. < http://www. americansc.

    org. uk/Online/American_Dream. htm>. Nawaguna-Clemente, Elvina. “The American Dream is becoming a nightmare. ” New Vision.

    28 April 2010. 12 February 2011. < http://www. newvision. co.


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    Gatsby’s Unrealistic American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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