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    Fun Christmas Traditions for You and Your Family

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    Every family has their own traditions on holidays. And seeing that Christmas is just around the corner. Its time to spice up the holiday with some new traditions your family can try.

    One of the most exciting holiday traditions is making each family member cook a dish. Some, if not most, of the family members probably aren’t great cooks. Which is what makes this creative tradition such a fun way to spend Christmas morning. From making something simple like gingerbread cookies. To something more complicated like a multi-layered cake, there are many ways to cook something so you can even make each member of the family create their own recipe rather than look for one online. It will most likely turn out to be a disaster, or it could lead to a surprising discovery of someone’s unexpected cooking talents. Then at dinnertime, when everyone’s dishes are cooked, everyone has to try and guess who cooked which meal, and you don’t even have to eventually reveal who the cooks are to keep everyone guessing.

    Everyone loves to take pictures during the holidays to capture the unforgettable memories, so there should be a dress code everyone in your family should follow; wearing only christmas colors (red, white, green) or everyone wearing oversized ugly christmas sweaters. To add more creativity, ask everyone to pose as (imitate) the person to their right, which is sure to bring a lot of laughter into the room and create the most amusing photos. You can also find a fun location to take a picture, like asking everyone to climb under a blanket on the tiny couch and watch everyone fight for their seat, capturing pretty amusing shots.

    If there are a lot of children in the house, ask everyone sit in a circle in front of the fireplace and read a Christmas story like The Night Before Christmas but in order, each person reading one sentence or paragraph which will keep everyone involved and engaged. This is a great alternative to watching a movie with your family because after a long day of festivities, someone is surely going to fall asleep. Besides, reading a book is a much healthier for children then spending their evening looking at a television screen that can damage their eyesight.

    Lastly, decorating the house is always fun but its even more exciting to make the decorations yourself. The most simple ornaments would be making snowflakes out of paper, and everyone can hang them up from the ceiling to make the room look much more festive. If you want to try something more complicated, you can even take a few empty jars and try to make a snow globe. Another option would be to buy some clear glasses, glitter and paint and have everyone draw and design their own holiday mug from which they’ll drink their hot chocolate when everything is dry and complete.

    Fun holiday traditions are a great way to get everyone in the family involved and participating in the various games and activities. Since many relatives who you don’t see that often will be in town, its also an opportunity for you to create a fun filled day that they will never forget, and make them want to come back to celebrate the holidays with you every year.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Fun Christmas Traditions for You and Your Family. (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from

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