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    Your paycheck is buying less: gas prices on the rise

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    Your paycheck is buying less for several reasons. For starters, if you plan on going to the gas station these days you better bring along the checkbook. Gas prices have been on the rise since it bottomed out back in May of last year when we were only paying $0.

    64 a gallon compared to today’s $1. 54. 9 per gallon. So that raise you received, just throw it right out the window because it is not doing anything for you now. Not only can you not drive anywhere, but flying is more expensive these days too.

    My theory is, that the oil companies are preparing for the mass amounts of money they are going to lose in the future, because oil will soon be exhausted from our mother earth. When we arrived, we were surprised at the wedding being quite traditional. The church, set in the back of their small community. Followed by the reception, which took place at a hall near by. Not like the previous wedding I went too, which was outside right along Lake Michigan, and the reception took place inside the mansion that stood near by.

    But I guess some people like to be traditionalists and that will do the job as well. Before a player can be considered ” Most Valuable” in his or her league, some basic areas are to be considered. Did that player lead the league in goals, points per game, home runs, or any major category that would lead his team, if not the league? Was that person on a winning team, or was he the triple crown winner, which is having hit the most homeruns, R. B. I. ‘s, and base hits.

    These are all things to consider when choosing an MVP. Since there are so many great athletes these days picking an MVP can be quite difficult, and that is why they look at so many different areas of the game to choose the “Most Valuable Player”. “Home” is not an easy term to define. Most of us being community college students, look at it as being a place for comfort and familiarity. Home is where the heart is, right, it is also the place where I live for free, eat for free, and sleep for free too. Being away from home is a great experience, it is tough out there doing all those things by yourself.

    Mommy is not going to come over and cook and clean for you no more, once your out. That is why we love home, keeping it that one last place of serenity before we move out to the real world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Your paycheck is buying less: gas prices on the rise. (2019, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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