Words: 594 (3 pages)
During the 1920s, tension arose between a new generation, with liberal and progressive ideas, and a more traditional peer group, who favored conventional values and sentimentalism. This social tension was caused by technological advancements, a revolution in society in the period of and directly following World War I, a revolution of morals and rapid urbanization….
Words: 1109 (5 pages)
During World War One, the role of airplanes and how theywere used changed greatly. At first planes were only usedfor sport, but people started realize that not only couldairplanes be useful but they could even influence an outcomeof the war greatly. Soon the war was filled with blimps,planes, and tethered balloons. By the end of…
Words: 454 (2 pages)
Penicillin1. Penicillin is an antibiotic drug used to treat infection. Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, discovered it in 1928. However, it was not brought to widespread medical use because there was not a way to produce large amounts of it. Twelve years later, British scientists Howard Florey and Ernest Chain discovered a way to…
Words: 698 (3 pages)
d ride during Hitlers rise to power. The entire world didnt think that he would become as powerful as he became. Hitlerachieved his power by relying on the nerviness of the world to sit back and allow him todo what he wanted. The world was too concerned about the political, economic andmilitant to busy worrying…
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Words: 634 (3 pages)
After gaining power, Hitler aggresively built up the German military and in 1936, occupied the Rhineland, a formerly German area designated as a buffer zone to protect France. Britain and France were preoccupied with Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia and made little protest. By 1938, Germany had the most powerful military force in the world. In…
All Quiet On The Western Front
Western Front
Words: 565 (3 pages)
“All Quiet on the Western Front” was written in a first person style. The story was told by Paul Bamer, a nineteen year old student, convinced to enlist with the German army by his schoolmaster, Kantorek. Along with many of his friends from school, he is trained under Corporal Himmelstoss, a strictly disciplined commander who…
Words: 505 (3 pages)
onflict, chiefly inEurope, among most of the world’s great powers. On one side were the Allies(chiefly France, Britain, Russia, and the U. S. ); on the other were theCentral Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey). Prominent among thewar’s causes were the imperialist, territorial, and economic rivalries ofthe great powers. The German empire in particular was determined…
Words: 637 (3 pages)
I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of lifebut despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrowAll Quiet on the Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque, is a vividly horrific verification of what went on at the front of World War I. It goes deep…
All Quiet On The Western Front
Western Front
Words: 504 (3 pages)
The Destructiveness of War is a major theme that affects not only lives and property, but also the human spirit. Men are subjected to physical torment, with eyes being blinded, limbs blown off, blood flowing everywhere, and innocent men dying in agony. Soldiers take shelter in graveyards, where bombs explode all around them. The living…
Words: 1103 (5 pages)
On August 1, 1914 one of the worlds greatest tragedies took place. In Harry F. Youngs article entitled, the Misunderstanding of August 1, 1914, Young tries to make sense of the days that took place before the Great War began. In his twenty-one-page article, Young uses many sources to explain the story that had so…
Check a number of top-notch topics on World War I written by our professionals
How The League of Nations Was Organized on The 1920s
World War I: Medias of Propaganda in the U.S.
World War I Technology
World War I Causes by Ethnic Problems in Austro-Hungary
World War 1 Origins (How and Why the War Started)
Versailles: The Allies’ “Last Horrible Triumph”
The Treaty of Versailles, The League of Nations, and Appeasement as The Causes of World War Ii
Impact of World War I on the American Army
First World War Impact and Treaty of Versailles
Factors Leading to the Termination of World War I
WWI: Germany’s Secret Gambles
WWI-War: Revolution, and Reconstruction
World War I, Its Origin and Allies
World War I Within the Context of Military Revolution
World War I Technological Advancements
World War I for Americans: Before and After
World War I and the 1920s
World War I and Its Outbreak Causes
World War I and Its Aftermath
World War I and Battle of Vimy Ridge for Canadians
World War 1 and Technological Improvement
Why Europe Went to War
What WW One Did to the American Economy
What Should You Know About Anzac Spirit
Was the birthplace of Canada at Vimy Rigde
Warfare and Culture in the World History
United States and World War I
Understanding The Anzac Fable
Treaty of Versailles History: The Pact of Peace After WWI
Treaty of Versailles after Ww1
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