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    Before World War II broke out the world took a wil Essay

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    d ride during Hitlers rise to power. The entire world didnt think that he would become as powerful as he became.

    Hitlerachieved his power by relying on the nerviness of the world to sit back and allow him todo what he wanted. The world was too concerned about the political, economic andmilitant to busy worrying about the Germans who where thinking about ruling the world. Before and during the war, the world was concerned about the economic system. Eversince World War I, the world countries have been in and out of depressions, no onewanted another war. The United States, which was in the Greatest Depression of all, wasits a big problem itself.

    The US didnt want war, especially after the last one they foughtwith huge causalities and huge amounts of money spent. The citizens of the US didntwant another war because they knew that another war would cause another depressionand that was something that the people didnt want. Even thought the war would createjobs, and put the economy back into a war boom, the American public didnt want tohave to deal with the downsides of a war. The major downside being the huge economictoll it would take on the government, which would be fighting on two oceans on differentsides of the world.

    It would become very costly to maintain war and win too. The world also had enormous political concerns. The US was in a period of major andthey wanted no part of anything else in the world, except the Western Hemisphere. WithGermanys rise of Nazism, the world responded with fascist parties popping up in everynation across the world.

    Hitler has spread his beliefs into every county in the entire world,exactly what he wanted. These parties responded to every action that their leader took;they helped him scout out a specific country and infiltrate that countrys government. These parties believe in Hitler and did whatever he told them to do, including in theUnited States. After the countries realized Hitlers power they all formed differentalliances.

    The Germans allied with Italy and Japan. The US allied with Great Britain,France, and the Soviet Union. It seemed as though each day another country would signup with either side. Sometimes, even, countries would agree not to fight each.

    The pre-war and during the war, militaries from all countries fought a war with superiorequipment than in the last war. With the invention of the plane, tank, machinegun spreadwar supplies all over the globe and allowed each country to empower itself. The USprepared for war by passing a series of congressional acts that enabled the war budget toincrease dramatically. These acts also allowed for the US to help other countries withoutactually engaging in the war.

    The US supplied Great Britain with supplies and shipswithout ever declaring war on Germany. Germanys invention of the Blitzkrieg theyattacked nations and conquered them in single days. No nation had ever seen tactics likethis before, and they worked for Hitler. Hitlers air force was the best in the world; he hadthe most planes with the best pilots. They were unstoppable.

    Japans increase in militarypower proved itself with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December. Japan showed off itsmassive air force that dominated and destroyed the majority of the United States Navyfleet. World War II was a war that brought the world together. Their wasnt a place on the earthwere this war wasnt fought. Their wasnt a place on this earth were people didnt takesides, whether with the Allies or the Axis powers.

    The war brought countries like theUnited States and the Soviet Union together. However, the war did bring massdestruction the Europe and the massive demise of the people hated by the Nazis. Hitleralmost wiped out an entire race; however, he failed because the on dominance andperseverance of democracy upon the world. World War Two was a terrible and destructive war.

    Although many dynamics led to theadvent of World War Two, the catalyst of the Second World War was actually theaftermath of the First World War. The First World War’s aftermath set the stage for therise of Hitler. On Nov. 11, 1918, an armistice was signed by the German commanders in the railcar ofthe French commander, Ferdinand Foch, ending the

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Before World War II broke out the world took a wil Essay. (2019, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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