Words: 558 (3 pages)
The audio reads like a lifeless brochure. How much sales material can be crammed into third? / or sixty seconds? Radio advertising is different than print advertising, yet many advertisers, ad agencies and radio stations treat it the same. Keep in mind that radio listeners are preoccupied with other tasks D driving, working, etc, Why…
Words: 919 (4 pages)
First hearing that I had to go 48 hours Internet free, I thought it would be easy. Little did I know I was in for a different experience. While the professor was explaining the project, all that was going through my head was, how am I going to pull this off knowing I need technology…
Words: 1679 (7 pages)
The key thing that all OLAP products have in common is multidimensionality, but that is not the only requirement for an OLAP product. An OLAP application is targeted to deliver most responses to users within about five seconds, with the simplest analyses taking no more than en second and very few taking more than 20…
Words: 1659 (7 pages)
Can you imagine a world without computers? Computers have changed everyday life in infinite ways that we would have never imagined 50 years ago. Long ago, computers were primarily used to Compute numbers and to do word processing. As times have changed, computers have also evolved to help us with our everyday tasks. Nowadays we…
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Words: 864 (4 pages)
I was sixteen when I began my sophomore year at Highland School of Technology. I had been picked through a lottery to get into this special high school, and because of this, I was given many opportunities. I joined the Technology Student Association (TSA) that was available at my school because my career pathway ended…
Words: 471 (2 pages)
Suppose you are working for an agency that is participating in a tender for a contract to improve the (internal) branding at Warts: write in 500-700 words an evaluation of your impression of Wartime’s current branding strategy and implementation as you perceive from studying their website, Mr… Ass’s talk and maybe some other information you’ve…
Words: 2334 (10 pages)
“K-pop” is an abbreviation of Korean pop and a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of audiovisual elements. But how did it attain such popularity throughout the world? Throughout the 1990s, various Korean pop artists incorporated American popular music, such as techno and rock in their music. In…
Words: 3159 (13 pages)
Today was the first dancing practise for the International peace night. After a hot and sunny day of school, I was not too determined for a training session. Luckily, there was no dancing practise today, just an explanation of the dance performance we will be doing and organising the days which we were free in…
Words: 790 (4 pages)
In the movie ‘The Truman Show’ (Peter Weir, 1998) the character Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) is turned into the main character of a worldwide successful TV show without knowing it. He had been an unwanted child and was adopted by a company, thus becoming the first child in the world adopted by a company. The…
Words: 1907 (8 pages)
There are many controversies that come in and out of our lifetime. Whether or not we let these things affect the way we live puts a spin on how we can react to them. Reality TV has been around for a long time and it seems like the longer it’s around the more “reality” gets…
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