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Essay Examples

Scouting for Reality Essay (602 words)


Words: 602 (3 pages)

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a journey through reality for Scout Finch and her brother Jem. The plot takes place in 1933 overlooking the case of a black man, Tom Robinson, who is fighting for justice after being wrongly accused of raping a white woman. Tom Robinson is being defended by Atticus…

The Nature of Identity in Mrs Dalloway


Virginia Woolf

Words: 808 (4 pages)

The nature of identity is a main theme in Mrs Dalloway. This novel explores the question of our ability to truly understand the “self”. Indeed, our surroundings, our physical environment and our human relationships actually impact the notion of self and personal identity. The characters in this novel only have a limited understanding of one…

“The Big Sleep” – Is Marlowe a Knight Essay



Words: 540 (3 pages)

Philip Marlowe is the principal character in Raymond Chandler’s book “The Big Sleep”. In this story we follow Marlowe as he encounters extortion, kidnapping, seduction and murder in his attempt to solve his client’s black mailing problem. I intend to demonstrate that throughout the story, Marlowe continues to be an excellent example of a modern…

All Quiet on the Western Front- Erich Maria Remarque Chloé Magee 4O Miss Davies Essay


Western Front

Words: 1259 (6 pages)

In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque depicts the truly gruesome events of the trench warfare of World War I. It is narrated by an imagined first person, Paul, whose poetic nature makes the reading of the novel, and indeed the horrors of the war, more heart-wrenching and believable. Remarque uses this…

The industrial age due to the role of the individual? Essay


Words: 870 (4 pages)

    Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1836-1917) was the first British woman to qualify as a doctor. In 1874 she established the London School of Medicine of Women. Her determination to break down the prejudice against women in the medical profession paved the way for other women. In 1876 an Act of Parliament was passed which…

The House of the Spirits Essay (653 words)


Words: 653 (3 pages)

In this passage from The House of the Spirits, author Isabel Allende uses dawn as an allegory for Blanca’s sexual awakening. Blanca begins to experience nature on a new level of depth, symbolizing her graduation into womanhood. The passage illustrates the sexual act metaphorically in the rising of the sun. With her walk to the…

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and Chronicle of a Death Foretold Essay

Chronicle of a Death Foretold


Words: 1485 (6 pages)

Like Water for Chocolate is a tell-all tale about Tita, a girl that deprived of her love Pedro, held down by the constraints of a mother too bitter to let anyone else love, and generations of traditions based on taking care of mothers until death. Mama Elena enforces the fact that Tita will not be…

A Book Review of Cold Mountain Essay


Words: 1022 (5 pages)

“I am coming home one way or another, and I do not know how things might stand between us. I first thought to tell in this letter what I have done and seen so that you might judge me before I return. But I decided it would need a page as broad as the blue…

Doubt: The Key to Knowledge


Words: 714 (3 pages)

To answer this question we must first find the amount of doubt being questioned. “To what extent” of the amount of “doubt” is very ambiguous as doubt cannot be measured in a scale. Do we doubt all things? Or are we merely curious? And is doubt really the way to achieve knowledge? The word “Key”…

Line by line commentary Essay (762 words)


Words: 762 (4 pages)

Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan (+ Annotations by Sophie Brazier 11B) They sent me a salwar kameez[SB1] peacock-blue,[SB2] glistening like an orange[SB3] split[SB4] open, embossed slippers, gold and black[SB5] points curling. Candy-striped glass bangles snapped[SB6], drew blood[SB7]. Like at school, fashions changed in Pakistan – the salwar bottoms were broad and stiff[SB8], then narrow….

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