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Essay Examples

Broken April and The Thief and the Dogs Essay


Words: 1236 (5 pages)

Both books Broken April and The Thief and the Dogs revolve entirely around revenge. The revenge in both these books is to the highest degree different. We can see this difference mainly in the motives and methods of the protagonists. In Broken April, ‘the Kanun’1 forced the revenge exhibited by Gjorg. We must remember that…

Christmas ghost story Essay (1738 words)



Words: 1738 (7 pages)

Traumatic experiences, except to the child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Dr. Crowe tries to uncover the whole truth about Cole’s Supernatural abilities. With Dr. Crowe’s Cole begins to understand what he must do to get the ghosts to disappear. He then communicates with the ghosts to help them deal with their unfinished business. Dr. Crowe’s…

‘Blood brothers’ – Study the contrasts that Willy Russell Essay


Words: 1539 (7 pages)

“Blood Brothers’ is a play that could be played like a tennis match with every scene showing first the working class situation and then the middle class side of it. The only way I allowed myself to do that was in the scene,if I only did it once, it would be very effective” Willy Russell…

Super fun and fantastic Essay (963 words)


Words: 963 (4 pages)

Edward say’s a side plate Mickey doesn’t know what a side plate is but Edward does because he’s posh he also say’s smashing things which shows he’s posh as well. Mickey says d’ they call y’ Eddie but because he is middle class and doesn’t have a nickname. Mickey pretends that he isn’t scared even though…

Social and historical context of the play Essay


Words: 1067 (5 pages)

Analyse how Russell presents the brothers first meeting act one p22-27 what does the meeting reveal about the social and historical context of the play and how does it prepare us for the rest of the play. One of the reasons that Willy Russell created this play to show us the difference in class difference that…

Mickey and Eddie Essay (774 words)


Words: 774 (4 pages)

I have chosen to add a scene illustrating when Mickey realises that Eddie has moved away and Mickey has lost his best friend. Then I will show Eddie missing Mickey. Mickey does not know where Eddie now lives. By looking at Willy Russell’s version of “Blood Brothers”, it is unclear whether Eddie told Mickey that…

Blood Brothers by Willy Russel – a critical review Essay


Words: 1080 (5 pages)

On we went to see ‘Blood Brothers’ at Bristol Hippodrome. ‘Blood Brothers was written by Willy Russel, it has now been around for 15years, and based on the production we saw, I can see no reason why it won’t last another 15years. This production could be described as an emotional rollercoaster, the extremely convincing actors,…

A play by Willy Russell Essay (819 words)


Words: 819 (4 pages)

“Blood Brothers”, a play by Willy Russell, was set in the late sixties/early seventies and was written in 1981. It is a Liverpudlian West Side Story about twin brothers being separated at birth because their mother cannot afford to keep them. She gives one of them away to a wealthy woman who longs for a…

Big Brother and George Orwell Essay

George Orwell


Words: 927 (4 pages)

Lots of writers try to envisage the future. They usually write it as a distopian environment. It has even become a literary tradition to write from the point of view of a rebel trying to break free from his distopian world. Usually the writers imagine that the world has been taken over by technology, like…

In our performance of Blood Brothers Essay



Words: 597 (3 pages)

In our performance of Blood Brothers I play the narrator, a nameless, ageless omen of what is to come. Throughout the play the Narrator is a constant presence used to remind the audience of what will happen to the brothers at the end of the play. When emotions are high and the audience is laughing…

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