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Learning Essay Examples Page 25

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Essay Examples

Learning from Our Mistakes Essay


Words: 568 (3 pages)

Making mistakes is not always bad. When we make a mistake, we think all the outcomes are going to be terrible. Some time ago, I used to be that way; I regretted of every bad decision and every mistake I made. I just stayed sit waiting for the discouraging consequences to come knowing that all…

Learning English in America Essay


Words: 674 (3 pages)

When I was 7 years old I had arrived just to America. I didn’t know nothing but the basic words like yes/no. I was in enrolled in school the 2nd week of being here. I went straight to seventh grade. I remember walking into class wearing blue Levis jean and a gray polo tucked in,…

Learning About Other Cultures Essay


Words: 583 (3 pages)

I decided to go to the Indian cultural event. Truthfully, I chose this one because of the food. Indian food is probably to most unique to me and the way it is made just amazes me. I also figured this would be very colorful. Colors can express someone’s personality or how they are feeling. I…

Learning About Myself Essay (1205 words)


Words: 1205 (5 pages)

I realize that I don’t fully know who I am. I am still learning about myself as time passes. I could probably even name a person or two that could say they know me better than I know myself. What I do know is this: I am 22 years young and I have made a…

Learning A Lesson the Hard Way Essay


Words: 754 (4 pages)

A once beautiful, ever so lively, welcoming home was gradually becoming a desolate empty, cold and lonely house. 55 Sonia Drive, a beautiful house, with an awful hue of forest green paint job, a huge, immaculate front yard, an even bigger backyard, a carport big enough to hold three cars, two great, brick light post…

The Arts in Italian Renaissance Essay


Italian Renaissance

Words: 1639 (7 pages)

The Italian Renaissance was a very difficult time period in European history. The arts were flourishing, veils the city-states in Italy fought bloody battles vivid each other and within themselves. Bribery and murder were not uncommon tools for men to when they wanted power. Meanwhile those same rulers patronized the arts a great deal and…

A Meaningful Learning Experience Essay


Words: 1508 (7 pages)

Meaningful learning experience happens many times in lifetime, some teaches minor lessons whether some teaches important lesson. I learned a meaningful experience on a religious and historical tour that I went with my friends. The author of “The Banking Concept of Education”  Freire Paulo describes the learning experience as a problem posing and critical…

A Lesson in Service Learning Essay


Words: 1184 (5 pages)

My name is Emalia Zuttermeister and the course that I have participated in service learning for is Anthropology 200 instructed by Dr. Ulla Hasager. I chose Leahi Hospital, located on 3675 Kilauea Avenue as my service learning site and throughout the time I’d been there, I have completed a number of 27 hours. I am…

Understanding Hymns Essay (646 words)


Words: 646 (3 pages)

After viewing the video by Dr. Schmalbach, which dealt with the Theology of the Hymnals, I have come to discover how Hymns play an intricate part in how we as Christians are taught our doctrines in what we sing. The church that my family and I attended sung very little hymnals. Consequently, as a result…

Learning to Play the Guitar Essay


Words: 1095 (5 pages)

The first day I went to my guitar class I was so nervous because I didn’t know anything of how to play or use a guitar. Good thing that I wasn’t by myself, my sister was there since she also wanted to learn to play guitar. When we entered the room there was no one,…

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