Words: 1561 (7 pages)
Engineers did some of the most famous technical drawings, and this was because they had the particular skill to bring meticulously out a representational model of anything with the precision that it deserved. For engineers to come up with any physical structure where it is a new invention or something that exists, they first have…
Ancient History
Words: 793 (4 pages)
ll favored for the beautiful light cast by its flame. In its most basic form the candle consists of a cylinder of wax, tallow, or similar material surrounding and saturating a fibrous wick. Ancient Egyptian tombs at Thebes bear relief carvings of cone-shaped candles on dish-like holders, or candlesticks. The oldest known candle fragment was…
Words: 1201 (5 pages)
The invention of the wheel was a miraculous invention, along with the airplane,and the telephone. All the inventions that have ever been created weren’t justsomething that was already drawn out on a piece of paper for the inventors. Theyhad to think. They had to imagine the masterpiece before it was even a physicalobject. These people…
Words: 357 (2 pages)
The compass has served as a navigational aid to many tourists, travelers, and numerous explorers. Though the compass has served well in navigation, it has affected and improved mankind greatly. In China, building was refined in many ways by the compass. It has enabled many to find positions, direction or route. No one knows when,…
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Words: 1851 (8 pages)
“The history of film cannot be credited to an individual. Each inventor added to the progress of other inventors, ending in progress for the entire art and industry. These achievements began with the creation of a machine that captured moving images that led to one of the most celebrated and unique art forms at the…
Words: 431 (2 pages)
Anemometer- helicopter- ornithology-Dad Vinci was fascinated by birds. He watched them, sketched them and borrowed ideas from them for his inventions. One of the results of this fascination was the ornithology, a device conceived by dad Vinci that would theoretically have allowed humans to soar through the air like birds. While dad Vine’s parachute would…
Words: 7354 (30 pages)
COLUMBUS AS HEROIC CRUSADER The second print in the series following the frontispiece features Christopher Columbus and, like the other prints of the navigators in the series, it is aturated with symbolic imagery and formatted with a central image an a caption below. Here the caption describes Columbus’s accomplishment: ‘‘Christopher Columbus of Liguria. With the…
Words: 6570 (27 pages)
by LIA MARKEYThis essay situates Giovanni Stradano’s engravings of the discovery of the Americas from theAmericae Retectio and Nova Reperta series within the context of their design in late sixteenthcenturyFlorence, where the artist worked at the Medici court and collaborated with the dedicateeof the prints, Luigi Alamanni. Through an analysis of the images in relation…
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History of Some Great Inventions
History of Computers and Their Evolvement
Henry Ford and His Inventions
1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets
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