Words: 703 (3 pages)
Looking back, my initial interest in mathematics formed when I was in high school, which is famous for putting heavy weight on education of math and science. The more exposure I got, the more interest I had. Therefore, taking some math classes in college became a way to maintain my interest. More importantly, I found…
Sex Education
Teen Pregnancy
Words: 1360 (6 pages)
According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in 2016, there were 20.3 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19 or 209,809 babies born to females in this age group. Births to teens ages 15-19 account for 5.3 percent of all births in 2016. Nearly nine in ten (89 percent) of…
Scholarship Application
Words: 1160 (5 pages)
Many people say that college is not for everyone. This may be true for those who are intellectually inapt for a college level curriculum. However, lack of money to afford tuition fees and educational materials should not be a reason to exclude a higher-level education from a person who otherwise could receive a great degree….
Scholarship Application
Words: 1007 (5 pages)
My high school GPA (Grade Point Average) can determine the career I will have throughout my life. Looking toward my future I am finding out that I need to be more careful in my grades and my studies. I now can not only take my school classes just for fun or to learn but I…
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Scholarship Application
Words: 664 (3 pages)
My life is very hectic these days; I am a high school senior, but I am currently enrolled in four college courses. This past summer I started on college and scholarship applications, which are strenuous and time consuming. I am sure that you are fully aware, since you attended such prestigious universities. Before I began…
Scholarship Application
Words: 1193 (5 pages)
Books have always been a huge part of my life. Action, comedy, horror, you name it I will read it. I like to think of life as a book because we all face different genres in our lives and we write books one page at a time, sometimes without even knowing it. While finishing up…
Scholarship Application
Words: 599 (3 pages)
When I was younger, I was told that education will show large differences in life and language will serve as a key to success. At that time, I was not sure whether I understood its meaning. However, I have had opportunities to experience different systems of education and use languages in real life. In line…
Scholarship Application
Words: 504 (3 pages)
Approximately 60% of all students enrolled in higher education receive some type of financial assistance. Financial aid is provided to students for many reasons. The primary reason is to increase the accessibility for families that are unable to afford the full cost of higher education. Scholarships, loans, and federal work studies are categories of financial…
Should College Be Free
Words: 629 (3 pages)
The American College Testing (ACT) should not be authorized as a key to higher education because it is established on whether or not individuals will be approved into college. The ACT has overwhelmed many people lives, when they are unable to reach the requirements that are acceptable to pursue on with their education. The ACT…
Should College Be Free
Words: 769 (4 pages)
As you sit at a stadium or in your home and watch college football, basketball, or even baseball, do you ever wonder where the money goes from all the ticket sales? Colleges make a lot of money from their athletics. I feel that what is made should partly go back to the student athlete. College…
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