Words: 450 (2 pages)
This is my third year attending Lamar University, but I remember praying for an acceptance letter, like it was just yesterday. Becoming a Lamar Cardinal is definitely my greatest academic achievement. My journey here at LU, has helped me understand who I really am, what my passions are, and what I hope for in my…
Words: 675 (3 pages)
Before walking into science class on the first day of 7th grade, I thought science was a laborious and foreign subject. Having no knowledge or insight of the year ahead, I was extremely apprehensive to walk into class and meet the instructor. I was frightened that she would be strict and unforgiving, and make the…
Words: 533 (3 pages)
Leadership and services helped me gain many values not only as a teenager but as a citizen. With our everyday routine and being in a rush makes us forget about servicing others. When I started High School, I was introduced into Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). The requirements of being a member…
Words: 838 (4 pages)
Giving back to my community is very important to me. The service that I provide is mainly for my church and other schools within my district. For my church, I have volunteered to be a crew leader for Vacation Bible School every year for the past four years. Vacation Bible School is a ministry that…
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Words: 527 (3 pages)
Prairie Meadows How would the Prairie Meadows Scholarship help you pursue an education that would put you on your ideal career path? Receiving the Prairie Meadows Scholarship would help me continue my studies and make the world an even better place. I would have to pay less to get into a good engineering school. Having…
Personal Experience
Words: 730 (3 pages)
My first code blue as a medical student was quite an experience. With adrenaline coursing through my body, along with tachycardia and perspiration, I performed my first CPR on a patient that is unstable. I was able to see how swift action and accurate teamwork are important to keep a patient alive. After multiple rounds…
College Experience
College Life
Words: 726 (3 pages)
The majority of students in today’s colleges are busy going to parties and shooting the bull with their friends that they often make time for school work. In high school, though, teachers are constantly checking up on the student to ensure they are completing the class assignments. Even then, some students fail so when they…
College Experience
College Life
Words: 1196 (5 pages)
I believe that life is what we make it. We have the ability to rise above any situation in life no matter how hard it seems. We have the opportunities to learn, grow, and be a better person. College has many great benefits in our lives. Having a college degree is important in order to…
College Experience
College Life
Words: 1114 (5 pages)
Moving out and leaving for college is an amazing milestone and accomplishment in life, which should be celebrated, but very few fully comprehend how drastically it can alter relationships. Siblings who have gone to college or have sent their sibling(s) to college are usually greatly impacted. They have to cope with the transition, learn how…
College Experience
College Life
Words: 922 (4 pages)
In Arabic, Abdirizak means powerful and complete. My name is Abdirizak Osman. My name also means servant of the all-provider. I am not a builder but a planner, and I want others to carry out my plans. I’m bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. I know what I want and why I want it….
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Causes of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses
Causes of Increased College Tuition in America
Benefits of Education System in The Ivy League Colleges
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