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    Free College Admissionss: Law, Politics, and Essay

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    Skepticism College Admissions EssaysLaw, Politics, and Skepticism My summer internship at United States Senator Connie Mack’s office, my recent volunteer efforts for a local school board campaign, and my previous volunteer efforts for a gubernatorial campaign are representative of my personal interests and long-range goals. My future ambitions and goals are evidence of my interests in and attraction to such subjects as law and politics. While many people consider these subjects to be uninteresting, I am fascinated by how these topics affect our society.

    Therefore, it is my desire to study political science while in undergraduate school and then continue my education by attending law school and earning a degree in constitutional law. Ultimately, however, it is my desire to have a career in politics. I sincerely believe that by being actively involved in politics, government and law, I will become better equipped to defend our Judeo-Christian faith from modern skepticism and also better able to serve our nation. Other unrelated interests of mine include athletics, particularly cross-country running and basketball, drama, music, and reading.

    As far as strengths are concerned, I am respectful of others and their feelings, self-disciplined, considerate, appreciative, and goal-oriented. Also, I sincerely believe in the commandments and moral standards set forth in the Scriptures and try to live accordingly, which I hope makes me a Godly example to my peers. I wish to become even more Christlike and grow to be a man of unquestionable integrity. My weaknesses include difficulty expressing my emotions and a tendency to be a little self-conscious. I am seriously interested in Harvard due to its advocacy of traditional values and principles upon which our nation was founded. This is something that my family has practiced and instilled in me in every area of my life, and I desire to continue to receive this type of leadership training and instruction.

    An education at Harvard will, I believe, prepare me academically and morally to make a difference for God and our country.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Free College Admissionss: Law, Politics, and Essay. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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