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    Film Review – Walt Disney’s Frozen Essay

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    Disney, as a production company, has been around for many years. From their first full-length animated movie, “Snow White,” in 1937, to the most recent Disney Film, “Planes: Fire & Rescue,” I’m sure close to everyone has seen one Disney movie. Disney has been around to not only entertain, but to also educate people all over the world. The BBC news reported that the 2013 hit film, “Frozen,” soared through the charts, becoming the fifth top-grossing Disney film of all time, and the number one top-grossing animated film, ever.

    One thing that almost all Disney films have in common is a family lesson tied into the story line. “Frozen,” portrays a close family tie throughout the film, by showing that a good relationship with family is based off loving, accepting, and fighting for your family, regardless of any hardship. “Frozen,” proves to be a family-based film, by showing that to have a good relationship with your family, it requires lots of love. Olaf, a main character in the film, says, “Love is putting someone else’s needs before yours.

    This quote simply and clearly proves the importance of love and family, by clarifying that the characters do just that. There are many different types of relationships built off of love, including the love of siblings between Elsa and Anna. This love we see between the two sisters is what also sets Frozen apart from other Disney films. It is one of the only films with a strong, profound relationship between two sisters. The evidence of true love is apparent when Anna gives her own life to protect Elsa from Hans.

    Furthermore, when Anna risks everything, to make the journey to find Elsa and bring her home. Family is such an important theme in all Disney movies, and, “Frozen,” is no different. The theme of learning to accept our family members for their actions, and personalities are other lessons that, “Frozen,” implies. However, this wasn’t apparent from the start. In fact, at the beginning of the movie the them was opposite.

    In the beginning of the movie Elsa’s family forbids her to show her powers. They wanted her to hide it to protect the kingdom, and her family. After Elsa’s magical powers got out of hand, and harmed her little sister, her parents both thought it would be best if they hid Elsa’s powers from everyone. The king, Elsa’s father, even said, “We’ll lock the gates.

    We’ll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people, and keep her powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna. ” This is a great example of a way society today teaches us to hide our imperfections from the rest of the world. However, the theme changed by the end of the movie. Anna learns of her sister’s powers, yet she still accepted Elsa, and fought both the society and her family, to bring her back.

    When Elsa came back, both her family and society accepted her by realizing that Elsa had no intention of hurting anyone. This contributes to the idea that over time, society will learn to accept you for who you are, and so will your family. One of the most important lessons, “Frozen,” portrays, is how family member’s fight for each other regardless of the circumstances. A great display of this is shown in the end of the movie, when Anna goes looking for her sister, Elsa.

    The whole town had already seen the worst in Elsa, as they thought her magical powers would destroy the kingdom. However, Anna had complete faith that Elsa would never want to intentionally hurt someone. After disregarding everyone’s opinion, Anna goes looking for her sister. Anna tries to convince Elsa to come back to the kingdom.

    After Elsa refuses to come back down with her Anna replies, “For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand. We can head down this mountain together. You don’t have to live in fear. Cause for the first time in forever, I will be right here. ” The writer’s intention was to show how family is supposed to come together, and help out. Anna and Elsa displayed true love and support.

    The movie, “Frozen,” has a lot more invested into it, besides the billions of dollars it has grossed, or the many awards it has won. “Frozen,” teaches viewers valuable lessons about family, and life. It teaches viewers to maintain a good relationships with family. The characters of Frozen show this throughout the movie by Elsa and Anna’s close relationship. They go through rough times to prove their love for one another, and even by risk their own lives. This film teaches us a lot about family and relationships.


    “Frozen Becomes Fifth-biggest Film. ” BBC News Entertainment & Arts. BBC News, 27 May 2014. Web.

    9 Oct. 2014. “Disney’s Tarzan – Review. ” Disney’s Tarzan – Review. Animation Artist, n. d.

    Web. 10 Oct. 2014. Frozen. Dir. Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee.

    Perf. Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and Josh Gad. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2013. Film.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Film Review – Walt Disney’s Frozen Essay. (2018, Jul 23). Retrieved from

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