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    Film Improves Literacy (823 words)

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    Film talks to the audience with camera angles, actors, and storytelling. Students recreate what they see on the big screen and use what they learned in the films in real life. As a student, I tend to use film to help me through school. Films have a big influence on today’s pop culture. Movies can be viewed as the teacher we never had. Films explore the creative process of how a student can learn and engage with society. Students who lack literacy skills can use film as a way to learn and improve their development on reading, writing, and communicating. Through film, students can become a new learner and expand their knowledge. In this current generation that students are living in, most students don’t know how to communicate. Some students don’t know how to carry on a conversation. Because of today’s culture students tend not to care nor acknowledge others. Without proper communication, how do people express what they are thinking? Communication is the connection between two or more people exchanging information, thoughts, or concerns.

    The film reflects the proper way on how to communicate. In real life scenarios such as being interviewed for a job, we don’t know what to expect, or at the time we don’t know what proper attire we need for the interview. I watch certain movies with similar situations and imitate what the actor is doing in the scene and use it in real life. Body language, hand gestures, and facial expressions are all forms of communication as well. “Dead Poet Society” is cinemas gift to literature, phenomena on celluloid. Robin Williams plays a teacher all of the students would love to have. He teaches us the values of expression and nonconformity. The film has a lot to say about the peer of language, even more about the value of the expression. Through this film, the audience learns the importance of communication. When students learn how to communicate they learn how to write. Speaking is a skill that is very hard to master. Most of the time students vocabulary is limited to “Big” and “Awesome”, they forget to open a thesaurus. But with the advent of digital revolution communication has taken a completely different shape and form. But when watching movies it’s. It voids the location of actors, it’s about the storytelling and how it’s being told. As students, it’s in our nature to get stuck on how to write or is writing our papers. Directors and screenwriters have a similar problem. Although not only do they have to write a script they have to make it come tickle. As a student who has always struggled with school, watching movies helped me construct essays.

    When watching movies we ask ourselves “Who are the characters?” “What is the problem?” “What is going to happen next?” These are the same questions students need to ask themselves writing their essays. The movie ‘The Dark Knight’ is a great example of teaching the audience how to write. This movie taught me how to build details and build personality onto my essays. Jonathan and Christopher Nolan wrote this script answering all questions the audience had. When making movies the director and screenwriters target a certain audience. They communicate with the audience through the camera angles, making the audience feel some sort of connection with the character. They create a pallet of emotions through the lighting and colors being used in a scene. Communicating with the audience is what every writer needs to do. There is always a story being told through the screen. The cinematographer, director, and screenwriter want the audience to focus on certain things in the movie. This builds visual literacy. The audience interprets the story differently depending on the tone of the movie. Students build comprehension skills through the storytelling if the film. Watching movies and learning about them is something all student should consider. Movies guide students in the right direction.

    Students literacy can be improved when watching movies. Students learn how movies are constructed and the time and effort people put into making a movie. When seeing a movie the audience has a conversation with the characters in the film. Students are active listeners, and because of that, it is important that to use the same skills when watching a movie with reading. If a student can relate to the director or maybe the actor in the film the student can relate to the author or main character in any text when reading. The director knows how to construct the movie with the message they are trying to get across, authors apply the same rule in their text. Students will slowly start to see improvement in their comprehension and reading. Movies can mold students learning. Movies contribute to the way students learn and write. Moreover, movies are connected to books. They have a purpose, message, and an audience.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Film Improves Literacy (823 words). (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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