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    How is the film brought to your attention? Essay

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    The film “The matrix revolutions” was brought to my attention through lots of television advertisements, I also know that the matrix is a trilogy and that after “reloaded” there must be another film to complete the trilogy. There are also rather a lot of magazine and radio adverts to bring about awareness of the film. There was a review in last weeks Sunday times that I managed to see. Do you feel that when the film is finally released you want to see it? Why?

    As I have seen all of the other matrix films, I feel that I must go and see the latest film. After seeing the first Matrix film I felt I had to go and see the second one. The first film I thought was excellent and still remains as one of my favourite films. However the second film was a big disappointment for me. This was due to a number of factors, the idea that we are all living in a computer program at first intrigued me, but it is now starting to wear increasingly thin on me.

    And I think the directors of the matrix probably knew this, so consequently they filmed the second with lots of action sequences and Carrie Anne-Moss wearing quite a tight cat suit. At first all this was good, but in hindsight the story line was just poor. If “the matrix revolutions” was the first film I would see it straight away, but after the second film being a big let down for me I am not too eager to see the third. However I have to see it to know what happens in the end. Is the film sold on its genre, stars or director?

    The first matrix film was sold heavily on its genre, because it was a really mind blowing idea (that we are all just living in a computer program). It made a name for itself. The second film and the third have been sold on the fact that they are part of the matrix trilogy. Now not that many people will really care what the film is about but they will go and see it just because it is the last instalment of the famous trilogy. Does it remind you of anything else you have seen or have heard about? The way the matrix films have been released is very similar to the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

    Except the second lord of the rings film was released on the fact that that it had masses of rave reviews, whereas the Matrix Revolutions has been released on the fact that it is the conclusion to the last 3 years major original idea film. Has there been a soundtrack album released? For the first Matrix film a soundtrack was released. It featured the ending title music by Rage Against The Machine, and other music from and inspired by the film. I assume that there will be an LP released for the second two films, as there wasn’t one for the matrix reloaded. Where are the posters and other publicity material found?

    On the sides of school buses there are posters running down the sides with a picture of the three main characters of the film(Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity). This is the only place I have seen adverts in the form of posters for the film. Does the positioning of the publicity tell you anything about the likely audience for the film? The fact that the posters are on school buses suggests to me that more kids will see the adverts than any one else, because as the buses drive through town in the morning, lots of kids are walking to school. So the target audience is about 15-20 years old.

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    How is the film brought to your attention? Essay. (2018, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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