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    Experiencing Poetry: I do not Love Thee Essay

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    Thee Initial response: It seems to me that this poem Is about a girl’s struggle to come to terms with whom she Is dearly attracted to. Words: The words in this poem were easy enough to understand, some of which were of an older variety of English. Images: In this poem I could feel the inner struggle and frustration of the poet’s position. Figurative Language: The poem used rhyming every other line to make things flow better and repeated “l do not love thee” In every stanza as If to make herself believe hat.

    Emotion: I believe that the poet was trying to express the emotion of pure frustration towards her own Inability to control her emotions towards another. Structure: The poem is organized into five stanzas with every other line rhyming. Meaning: I feel that the poet is trying to convey the meaning that love is frustrating at times and can leave you in a state of mental exhaustion. Publication: The poem “l Do Not Love Thee” would probably do best in the magazine Families and Friendships”.

    This magazine suggests, Just as the poem does, that love can be a heartache or heavenly. When the poem says “l do not love thee! ”yet, I know not why” It expresses an emotion of frustration, or a lack of self understanding. This magazine seems to be a place that offers guidance to those In this position. The poet also makes a case that love can be a good thing, attraction between two people is made to seem sweet by the words in this poem.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Experiencing Poetry: I do not Love Thee Essay. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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