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    Experiencing Poetry Graphic Organizer Essay

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    She Walks in Beauty Initial Response: What does this poem seem to be about? This poem seems to be about an unknown woman. The speaker shows the resemblances of how the woman is beautiful too lot of dark features. Words: Were the words in this poem difficult or easy to understand? Was there any word or phrase that was powerful to you? The words that are difficult for me to understand was when the speaker said tress ND gaudy.

    The phrase that was powerful to me was when the speaker said “Had half impaired the nameless grace”. Images: Did the poet create strong Images? What could you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel? The strong Images the poet created In my mind was how beautiful the girl could be compared to night or the starry skies. Figurative Language: What poetic devices were used in this poem? What did these poetic devices do for the poem? Did these devices help create imagery or communicate the author’s feelings?

    The poetic devices the speaker used is simile when he said “She walks in beauty, like the night. And this poem also shows a lot of imagery. The poetic devices help show the speakers feelings and thoughts for the woman. Emotion: What emotion was the author trying to express? The emotion the author was trying to express was his affection for the woman. Structure: How is the poem organized (lines, stanzas, etc. )? What is unique or interesting about the structure of the poem? Does the poem rhyme?

    This poem is structured with six lines per stanza. And there is three stanzas. The unique thing is that every stanza has six lines. This poem rhyme in every other line. Meaning: What is the poem saying about life or love? Do you agree or disagree with this message? Explain. Are there any other reasonable ways to Interpret this poem? This poem is saying that love can be shown as many dark things. A agree with the What kind of magazine or other publication would be the best place for this type of poem?

    This poem would be best published in the magazine Cloud nine. It would be best published in Cloud nine because this poem is mainly about love. In the poem it says “A heart whose love is innocent” Which shows that the woman loves the speaker back. This poem would also be a best fit for the magazine because it talks about how the speaker adores the woman, and so the magazine is about people who are on cloud 9 or in love. So this poem She walks in Beauty would be a perfect for the magazine Cloud nine because both are related to love.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Experiencing Poetry Graphic Organizer Essay. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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