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    European Society in the Age of the Renaissance

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    By 1300, most Italian city states were ruled by either signori or
    For ordinary women, the Renaissance had
    Very little impact
    Florentine economic vitality rested primarily on
    The wool industry
    The northern humanists believed that human nature
    Was fundamentally good
    The invention of movable type didn’t lead to
    The use of French as the language of polite society
    The official attitude toward rape indicates
    It was not a serious crime towards victim or society
    The Medici family ruled
    The status of upper class women during the Renaissance
    Actually declined from the Middle Ages
    The Italian Renaissance had as one of its central components
    A glorification of individual genius
    Rich individuals sponsored artists and works of art
    To glorify themselves and their families
    Italian humanists stressed the
    Study of the classics for what they reveal about human nature
    According to Laura Cereta, the inferiority of women was a consequence of
    Their own failure to pursue personal fulfillment
    The most important factor in the emergence of the Italian renaissance was the
    Rise of a wealthy, urban business elite
    According to Castiglione’s Renaissance manual on courtesy and good behavior
    The woman must make herself pleasing to the man
    The Italian nobility were not united by
    Antagonism with rural nobility
    The major difference between the Italian humanists and those of Northern Europe was the
    Latter’s concern for social reform based on Christian ideas
    The social group that most of resisted the centralizing efforts of the new monarchs was the
    The social group that most often supported the centralizing efforts of the new monarchs was the
    The gravity of the problem of infanticide caused the government of France to
    Create the large Foundling Hospital
    The Dutch humanist Erasmus espoused two fundamental ideas: the “Philosophy of Christ” and
    Education as a tool for reform
    The Star Chamber
    Dealt with noble threats to royal power in Europe
    In order to undercut the power the aristocracy excercisrd through its control of Parliment, English kings
    Used their own financial resources
    The main battlefield of the Hapsburg-Valois wars was
    According to Machiavelli, the sole test of good government was wether it
    Was affective
    Florence families began to dominate European banking as a result of their
    Role as tax collectors for the papacy
    Thomas Moore’s Utopia placed the blame for society’s problems on
    Society itself
    The Italian popolo
    Desired government offices and equality of taxation
    During the Renaissance, black slaves were
    Highly desired for their exotic rarity
    Scholars agree that the first artistic and literary manifestation of the Italian Renaissance appeared in
    The term international style refers to
    The spread of artistic techniques and ideals
    The leaders of the Catholic Church
    Readily adopted the Renaissance spirit
    The works of Lorenzo Valla exemplified the
    Application of scholarly criticism to textual authority
    Ferdinand and Isabella introduced the Spanish Inquisition in order to
    Handle the problem of backsliding conversos
    Royal authority on Spain was not enhanced by
    The expulsion of the Jews
    Renaissance culture
    Was that of a small business elite
    A characteristic that wasn’t part of the Renaissance was
    The league of Cambrai was formed in order to
    Strip Venice of its mainland possessions
    Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruelcan be read on all of the following levels except as an
    Attack on the excesses of the Renaissance
    The Progmatic sanction of Bourges
    Gave the French king control of the French church
    One thing that wasn’t an aspect of the centralizing efforts of Charles VII of France was
    Redistribution of Fuedal lands
    The subjugation of the Italian peninsula by outside invaders was
    The work of Peter Paul Vergio
    Stressed the importance of education to the state
    Italian balance of power diplomacy
    Was designed to prevent a single Italian state from dominating the peninsula
    The ultimate significance of Machiavelli’s work rests in two concepts: that politics is science and
    That one permanent social order cannot be established
    The Tudors won the support of the upper middle class by
    Promoting peace and social order
    By the middle of the fifteenth century, the two dominant Iberian Kingdoms were
    Castille and Aragon

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    European Society in the Age of the Renaissance. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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