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    European Renaissance Terms and Names

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    The Bubonic Plague-
    it is the most ordinary plague seen in humans,
    The Black Death-
    a plague that devastated Europe during medieval times
    Black Flag
    towns would place the black flag to tell others that their town was infected with the disease
    a swollen lymph node for which the Bubonic Plague was named
    period of time (1350-1600) when western Europeans experienced a cultural awakening
    Medici Family-
    prominent banking family that governed/ruled Florence
    Renaissance movement based on the literature and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome, such as the worth of each individual
    financial aid given to an individual or organization by an individual or organization
    Baldassare Castiglione
    Wrote a book called The Book of the Courtier which gave advice on good behavior for Renaissance men and women
    an artistic technique for showing relationships and space between objects
    Renaissance Man
    a person with many talents or areas of knowledge
    a Renaissance sculptor from Florence, first sculptor since ancient times to cast free standing, large nude statue
    Leonardo da Vinci-
    Renaissance artist, citizen of Florence, did work in Milan and Rome. Best known for the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
    well known Renaissance sculptor, was taught in Florence, went to Rome to sculpt for the pope
    painted Pope Julius II School of Athens, most known for paintings of Mary, funeral mass celebrated at the Vatican, which he helped to paint.
    Dante Alighieri
    wrote The Divine Comedy, (an epic poem) which describes the journey from hell to heaven
    language spoken by people in a certain region
    Francesco Petrarch
    wrote sonnets about Laura, someone who he had loved who had died during the Black Death
    wrote accounts of the Black Plague through the eyes of young people in the book Decameron
    wrote a book called The Prince that analyzes Renaissance Italy’s government
    Filippo Brunelleschi-
    worked on, and completed the dome of the Florence Cathedral, which was the first dome to be that large, and that strong
    Renaissance Women
    woman who is sophisticated and well educated
    Francis I
    had Italian architects create châteaux
    Albrecht Dürer-
    created paintings using both Italian techniques, and the styles of their homelands
    Hans Holbein the Younger-
    Engraver and painter from Germany. Most known for his portraits. Painted portraits of Henry VIII to paint portraits of possible wives
    Jan van Eyck
    used realistic detail to paint scenes from real life and the bible
    Pieter Bruegel
    created paintings using both Italian techniques, and the styles of their homelands. He painted realistic portraits, landscapes, scenes of daily life, and religious themes
    Christian Humanists
    groups of scholars who wanted reforms that would eliminate abuses and restore simple piety in the Catholic church
    Desiderius Erasmus-
    famous Christian humanist, he inspired his colleagues to learn Greek and Hebrew so that they could read earlier versions of the bible. He also made people think of society more critically using humor. One of his more famous works is The Praise of Folly.
    Thomas More-
    a friend of Erasmus and a statesman.He wrote a book criticizing society of the day by comparing it with an ideal society.
    a book by Thomas More that compared the society of the day with an ideal society, in which all people were equal in status and prosperous. The book was written in Latin.
    François Rabelais-
    wrote comic tales, satires and parodies on contemporary life,and was France’s most popular Renaissance author. Believed that people should enjoy life to the fullest, and did not believe in the Middle Age’s opinion of the afterlife. Wrote on the subjects of politics, law, theology, medicine, navigation and botany.
    William Shakespeare
    one of the best known English Renaissance playwrights, he drew his ideas from classical mythology, medieval legends, and the histories of England, Denmark, and Ancient Rome. He used human qualities such as love, despair, jealousy and ambition.
    The Elizabethan Age
    an era in European history when Queen Elizabeth the first reigned
    Johann Gutenberg
    using moveable metal type, he printed an edition of the bible
    Printing press
    a machine used to print words or pictures from plates or types
    Gutenberg Bible
    first bible to be printed using a press instead of handwritten

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    European Renaissance Terms and Names. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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