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    Essay Qualitative Research On Quantitative Research Essay

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    AC 1.1, 2.1, 2.2The qualitative research method involves analysing data, such as words, pictures or objects. It is more subjective, and requires the researcher to interpret data in order to form thematic ideas.

    Quantitative research can gather a large amount of data that can be easily organised and manipulated into reports for analysis. It often includes one to one interview. It utilises open- ended questions. This means that the researcher has to interpret their findings. Moreover, in qualitative research is used to generate hypotheses and develop an understanding about a particular group that uses words and images rather that numbers. That being said, a qualitative research focuses on a smaller sample group to help find a deeper analysis of a topic Quantitative research is data-led approach which provides a measure number and what people think from a statistical and numerical point of view.

    For example, if one wanted to know how many of customers support a proposed change in products or service and how strongly and they support it. Again, in quantitative research, the researcher might end up with data reduced to numbers, which are analysed using statistics. They tend to focus on the numbers in order to get the full picture. At the same time, in qualitative research, it involves describing and analysing a phenomenon while using words. In many research projects, make a use of mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative in order to gain a more comprehensive and explanation of the subject being studied. However, quantitative data are often portrayed as being more limited in scope and in depth than qualitative data.

    Largely, quantitative methods have some notable advantages; they also have a disadvantage, which means that some. .s were to ensure that older people’s perspectives on what counts as outcomes were included in the review process, and particularly that the research team was sensitised to themes in the studies to be synthesised.” (SCIE, 2006) By having a panel of old people as advisory is reliable rather than the researcher using random people.In conclusion, although many researchers today prefer the use of quantitative research methods because it provides an accurate well rounded and unbiased data; it will not work by itself. They Quantitative and qualitative research have their strength and weakness.

    Both qualitative and quantitative work perfectly together because they complement each other. Consequently, each type of data has advantages and can extend, in certain ways, our understanding of a researchable problem. Validity and reliability is important concept in research.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay Qualitative Research On Quantitative Research Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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