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    Essay about Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Essay

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    It is not up for debate whether women are discriminated against in the workplace, it is evident in census data; in 2013, among full-time, year-round workers, women were paid 78 percent of what men were paid. It is said that the organizations that are pro-equal pay, including some unions, support the idea that the government should set wages for all jobs. To the contrary, the organizations that are proponents of equal pay are not for job wages being set by the government-they wish to have the discrimination taken out of pay scales from within the company. Commonly, this pay gap is attributed to the fact that women in the United States are still expected to attend to familial obligations over work.

    Data shows that women do attend to family obligations, like having a child, caring for a sick family member, or caring for an elder; but they also do not give up on work. Yes, women often chose lower paying jobs in exchange for flexible hours and do spend a lower number of hours per week long-term at their jobs than their male counterparts. Because women are socialized to be the primary care givers they are kept at these lower paying jobs that are more flexible, the jobs allow them to care for their family yet still retain an income (possibly a second income for the household). Women’s changing roles in society has resulted in this workplace problem.

    Women are allowed and often encouraged to work but they are not rewarded or compensated at the same level, for their efforts, that men in the work force are. The pay gap would be narrowed if companies were more conducive to family schedules. Men and women would receive equal pay for the same job. Companies would benefit by retaining quality employees. Men and women need to start out ma.

    . for “women’s work” (women staying at home while men work in the office). Works Cited”Filing a Discrimination Claim-Pennsylvania. ” Workplace Fairness. 24 Oct. 2006.

    Workplace Fairness. 17 Dec. 2014http://www. workplacefairness. org/file_paKeller, Larry. “Workplace gender gap Women and Men: Payday.

    ” Career Archives. 12 Dec. 2000. CNN.

    17 Dec. 2014. McKay, Dawn R.

    “Women Face Glass Ceiling in Hiring. ” About. com. 17 Dec.

    2014 http://careerplanning. about. com/od/forwomenonly/a/glass_ceiling. htmPorter, Eduardo. “Stretched to Limit, Women Stall March to Work. ” The New York Times 2 Mar.

    2006. Rep. No. GAO-04-35 at 1-65 (2003).

    “Sex/Gender Discrimination. ” Sex/Gender Discrimination. 11 Oct. 2006.

    Workplace Fairness. 17 Dec. 2014

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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