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    Epic Poetry And Beowulf Essay Paper

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    “The Epic Beowulf” Beowulf is an epic poem that takes place In early medieval warrior culture of Europe. An epic is a narrative poem containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation. Beowulf Is a brave warrior. He ventures off to another land to help lade In defeating a demon/monster. Epics usually Include war or combat one on one, as In the three battles featured In this poem. Beowulf shows his courage and skill by slaying Greened without the use of a shield or sword. In lines (507-513) Beowulf states “l mount myself weaker in war or grapple of battle than Greened himself.

    Therefore I scorn to slay him with sword deal deadly wound, as I well might do- nothing he knows of a noble fighting, of thrusting and hewing and hacking of shield. ” Beowulf is a well-known noble who fights evil. We could compare this to every day life situations. Cops versus bad guys. In lines (632-638) Beowulf says “l had a fixed purpose when I was put to sea. As I sat in the boat with my band of men, I meant to perform to the uttermost what your people wanted to perish in the attempt, In the fiends clutches.

    And I shall fulfill that purpose, prove myself with a proud deed or meet my death here In the mead- hall. ” In current times of today’s world men and women go out as police officers to serve and protect us. We can compare this story to current events. When he battles Greened, his mother and the Dragon he demonstrates bravery and courage. Beowulf protected his culture until his death. It is said that the epic hero is on a quest for something of great value to him or his people. Epic heroes are known to be braver, stronger, smarter and clever then an ordinary person.

    Beowulf was on a quest for something of great value to him or his people. Beowulf knew the consequences if he failed his mission. Beowulf courage pushed him to defeat Greened and Grenade’s mother never fears to challenge. A line that is short but that best describes Beowulf Is In line 340 “The man his name was known for courage. ” Epic stories usually feature boasting, as when Beowulf is provoked by his undershirts, into boasting about his exploits as a youth. Later in epic we learned Beowulf is not only good when he battles but also he is generally a good moral arson.

    In lines 2177-2170 proves he was a moral person in stating “Thus Beowulf bore himself with velour he was formidable in battle yet behaved with honor and took no advantage. ” Epic stories contain tragic deaths, as in the tragic death of Beowulf himself. O flower of warriors, beware of that trap. Choose, dear Beowulf, the better part, eternal rewards. Do not give way to pride. For a brief while your strength is in Passport 3 bloom but It fades quickly; and soon there will follow Illness or the sword to lay you owe, or a sudden fire or surge of water or Jabbing blade or Javelin from the alarm or warrior, to sweep you away (1758-1768).

    This quote foretells Beowulf of his own death. Today’s epics are considered old English greatest work. This epic poem has meaning and symbolism. Beowulf does great deeds for others such as he helps the Danes against Greened and his mother. Again this Epic poem can be seen in every day life. Life is a daily struggle. Beowulf faces challenge after challenge and yet still seems to keep fighting for the greater good. Remember to make your life an epic story Just like the one told in Beowulf.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Epic Poetry And Beowulf Essay Paper. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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