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    Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Airport Project Construction Essay

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    As an officer with a adviser house located in a underdeveloped state, you are in charge of fixing an Environmental Impact Assessment Report for a new airdrome undertaking in the capital metropolis. Supply a guideline for such a study, saying of import demands that are needed. Make appropriate premises when necessary.


    Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) is a survey to indentify, predict, evaluate, and communicate information on the environment of a proposed undertaking and to detail out the mitigating measures prior to project blessing and execution. The EIA is basically a planning mechanisme for forestalling environmental jobs due to an action. It ensures that the possible jobs are foreseen and addressed at an early phase in the undertaking planning and design. Thus this will avoid dearly-won errors in undertaking execution, either because of the environmental amendss that are likely to originate during project execution, or because of alterations that may be required later in order to do the action environmentally acceptable. The intent of the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) study is to look into and measure the chief environmental concerns associated with the proposed airdrome. The range of the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) survey covers both the building stage and the operational phase of the airdrome, look intoing and analysing

    The effects of aircraft noise on institutional and residential countries, peculiarly at dark

    Increased traffic congestion in the airdrome attacks

    Fire jeopardies

    Ambient air quality

    Surface H2O quality


    Impact on vegetations and zoologies

    Social perceptual experience, and

    Emergency readiness.

    This environmental impact appraisal ( EIA ) has been prepared as an rating and condensation of a full environmental impact appraisal ( EIA ) of the proposed airdrome in the capital metropolis, Kolkata situated in the underdeveloped state, India prepared for the authorities by the confer withing group, following the developing state, India authorities ‘s guidelines and the methodological analysiss described in Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review Procedures and the Environmental Guidelines for Selected Infrastructure Projects. The guideline is based on ( I ) the EIA, ( two ) the airdrome undertaking feasibleness survey ( three ) field visits to the airdrome undertaking site and local authorities capital, and, ( four ) treatments with local authorities and pertinent National Government functionaries with environmental duties. The methods used to transport out the EIA include:

    ( I ) reappraisal of available literature,

    ( two ) meetings with National and local authorities functionaries

    ( three ) site visits to the capital metropolis of the proposed airdrome and environing countries,

    ( four ) treatments with dwellers near the site,

    ( V ) ambient noise and air quality and surface H2O quality sampling and testing in the field and in the research lab, and

    ( six ) application of professional cognition and experience.

    Description OF THE PROJECT

    The undertaking consists of the design, funding, building, and operation of a new airdrome. The proposed new airdrome will be located in the capital metropolis of the underdeveloped state, which is in Kolkata in India.

    Description OF THE ENVIRONMENT

    A survey is conducted to place the ambient air quality in the selected country. The daytime noise in the locality of the site is besides surveyed. Temperature scope in the proposed country is besides identified. It is good to hold no woods near the undertaking site as at that place will non be any endangered species of vegetations and zoologies. The population at the site has to be relocated. Besides, the H2O supply has to be good and the sewage system is better to be connected to the drainage system. Finally a good beginning of electric power is critical.


    Environmental impacts are anticipated during both the building phase and the operational phase.

    Construction Phase

    The day-to-day H2O estimated demand for the undertaking should non impact the supply of H2O to the occupants in the capital metropolis. Earthwork, dirt digging, land readying, and concreting activities will farther increase the TSP degree. However, a comprehensive system of sacking to be used every bit good as changeless day-to-day lacrimation of the land will extenuate the impact. Solid waste generated from the building activities will be disposed of day-to-day by refuse trucks. Employment chances and other beginnings of income for the occupants of the capital metropolis will be generated by the undertaking.

    Operational Phase

    No important addition in the degree of TSP of the air quality within the locality will be generated during operation. However, the terminus edifice will be to the full air-conditioned and equipped with dust filtration system which that will be on a regular basis checked and cleaned. The extra aircraft motions will increase the noise degree. However, flights are usually scheduled during daylight to minimise noise break to colonies comparatively near the airdrome. No breach of acceptable airdrome noise criterions will take topographic point. Further, the flight way of aircraft will non be over dumbly populated countries. The commercial operation of the airdrome may do a mild migration of possible occupation searchers to the capital metropolis, since occupations will be created by the undertaking.


    If the airdrome is non constructed there would be no effects, either positive or negative, on physical environmental factors. In add-on, no inauspicious impact would be suffered by the bordering metropolis establishments. There would be, nevertheless, other important sociological and economic losingss to the metropolis. The loss of this installation would suppress terminal development and the economic and resulting sociological additions, and would conflict straight with established, approved maestro programs and ends. The international rider congestion would curtail the growing of terminal activities. Even without the proposed Undertaking, air pollution and noise degrees will increase due to vehicular emanations, heavy traffic flow, and increase in domestic air flights.


    Undertaking costs include ( one ) civil plants, ( two ) other building, ( three ) equipment and its installing, and ( four ) confer withing technology design and supervising. These Undertaking costs besides include the cost of extenuating all negative environmental impacts during building and into the operating stage, which amounts to $ 400,000, or about 0.6 per centum of the entire Project base cost.For the cost point, the estimated sum Project cost of $ 504 million was used. The entire Undertaking cost includes the entire cost of resettlement of PAF installations, the schools, church, and Community centre, estimated at $ 7 million ; the cost of the Fire Prevention Plan ; the cost of sewage and drainage systems, estimated at $ 2 million ; and such other costs as proviso of a carpark edifice ( $ 21 million ) and route entree betterments. In footings of the benefit, the watercourse of cashflow after debt service but before revenue enhancement payments ( because revenue enhancement payments are considered as one of the benefits ) was used. The internal rate of return and net nowadays value are calculated as 21 per centum and $ 506.7 million, severally. Facilities will besides be temporarily subjected to nuisances associated with major building, including increased noise degrees, dust, heavier traffic on Andrew Avenue, and other similar effects. On a lasting footing, the traffic and noise from terminal activities will do some perturbations. The perturbations will depend on the reaching and going of assorted types of aircraft. There will be some direct costs related to the resettlement of affected abodes and installations. However, the airdrome undertaking will ensue in several good impacts on both a impermanent and a lasting footing.


    During the whole airdrome undertaking rhythm, monitoring of noise and of air and H2O quality parametric quantities will be undertaken on a regular basis and continuously. Regular monitoring will be undertaken to measure the effectivity and unity of the mitigating steps being implemented to minimise the inauspicious impacts of the airdrome undertaking activities. Monitoring will besides cover ( one ) public presentation of the installation after building, ( two ) confirmation of proper wastewater disposal at the installation, ( three ) annually physical testing of the airdrome undertaking country, ( four ) proper solid waste disposal, and ( V ) traffic direction.


    A societal perceptual experience study will be conducted for the airdrome undertaking by a group of societal scientists. The study will be undertaken among the occupants of the developing state ‘s capital metropolis, site of the proposed airdrome undertaking. The societal perceptual experience study will be carried out by taking a random sample of the occupants of the capital metropolis with the primary aims of determining consciousness of the proposed airdrome undertaking, arousing from the interviewees their credence or non-acceptance of the airdrome constuction, and placing what in their ain judgement are its positive and negative effects. It is planned that, during the airdrome undertaking execution, the airdrome undertaking disposal, in coordination with the local authorities, will maintain related bureaus and the local population near the airdrome informed about the airdrome undertaking, and will bespeak their positions as the undertaking progresses. Based on audiences with the local authorities and local occupants, the airdrome building will get down.


    The proposed airdrome undertaking will decidedly be to public advantage. The major benefit will be socioeconomic. The primary long-range effects on the physical

    environment include the resettlement of several houses due to route broadening, and several establishments. Finally, the occupants of the capital metropolis will be subjected to both impermanent and lasting additions in noise degree, which, nevertheless, in footings of degree,

    clip of happening, and distribution will non do a major impact. The building of the proposed airdrome will guarantee optimal usage of a subdivision of fresh land.

    Although it will ensue in a few limited impermanent environmental inauspicious effects, the life anticipation of the terminus ‘s productiveness will turn out profitable to society on both a regional and local footing.

    The proposed airdrome development will hold no significantly inauspicious impacts on the environing environment. The building, while affecting dirt betterment and considerable earthwork will, utilize proved building techniques and conventional earthwork methods. Potentially minor inauspicious impacts can readily be avoided by good site direction and building patterns, peculiarly related to drainage system design. A simple monitoring plan is needed to cover the building stage and the first three old ages of operation. This will be prepared during the design stage of the undertaking by the technology advisers. It will so be implemented during the airdrome undertaking building by the disposal assisted by the technology advisers, and by the staff runing the airdrome during airdrome operation. The monitoring plan will besides be supervised.

    This study has been produced to inform and ease the petition for a Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations. In conformity with the EIA ordinances, merely those issues which give rise to possible important environmental effects need to be assessed in item within the airdrome undertaking. Those affairs which have been identified as potentially giving rise to important environmental effects include:

    • Surface conveyance and entree.

    • Air and land noise.

    • Air quality.

    • Socio-economics.

    • Waste.

    Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) when integrated into the bing planning and determination devising construction, provides extra information towards a better determination devising. Project proponent must do certain that the construct of the proposed undertaking does non belie any development programs, policies or any determinations of the authorities prior to the EIA survey.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Airport Project Construction Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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