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    Endangered species Essay (695 words)

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    Abstract: For Endangered species I am doing my project on endangered species.

    In the world there are a lot of endangered species for example: birds, insects, tigers, whales and many more. I have learned many things from this project on how the animals get endangered and ways how to help these animals. I learned that we should recycle because the more trees that we cut down the more homes for animals we demolish. We should all stop hunting animals for pleasure and just watch them have fun for pleasure. ENDANGERED SPECIES.

    Endangered Species means when an animal or a plant of any kind is in danger of extinction for ever and is in danger to never be seen again. An endangered specie can get extinct any time, if it is endangered today it might be extinct tomorrow or extinct in the future. Or it might not happen like that. If you leave it alone and do not harm it, it might have baby’s and have more of its kind. A species is named endangered when of its kind occurs in a low number. About 1000 species in the world are named endangered, or are in threat to be extinct.

    I never knew that some kinds of birds were in danger. We can help these animals and plants by making laws that you are not allowed to hunt or kill any animal that is in danger of extinction. Government Involvement Only since the 19th century has there been worldwide concern about the case of species in their natural environments. Finally in 1916 they made a law called Migratory Bird Treaty.

    They had this law in United States, Great Britain, Canada, and later in Mexico. This law was made so that people can not kill animals that are endangered. This law did not work that well because the animals that were endangered were not put in zoo’s. People still killed theses animals not caring that they were in danger of becoming extinct. In 1973 a another law came down where a 100 nations came together and were working together to save endangered species that were being imported and exported. This organization was known as CITES.

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The United States Fish and wildlife Service had to assist foreign countries on managing endangered animals. Examples Here is a list of endangered species. This list is only describing a few examples. There were to many animals that were endangered to write about. So I took the most popular animals and decided to write about them.

    Birds Birds provide several modern examples of how extinction can occur. One of the best known is the passenger pigeon, a species that occurred in greater numbers than any other bird or mammal for which there are records. Passenger pigeons looked very similar to mourning doves, a close relative that is still common. One distinction a requirement for nesting in colonies which finally led to the destruction of the passenger pigeon.

    The extinction of the passenger pigeon is a commentary on the mistaken belief that if a species occurs in large numbers it is not necessary to be concerned about its welfare. The last member of the species died in 1914. In 1918 the last Carolina parakeet died. This colorful green bird with an orange or yellow head was seen throughout the eastern United States in the 1800s. Parakeets were shot for their beautiful feathers and because they damaged crops.

    The ivory-billed woodpecker, the largest woodpecker to inhabit North America, was believed to be extinct in the United States, they are also seen in remote areas of the South. The cause of its disappearance is presumed to be the major habitat destruction that resulted from logging of large Southern forests. Ivory-bills required large tracts of land with old trees and were unable to cope with timbering activities. The world’s last dusky seaside sparrow died in Florida in June 1987 because its habitat, Florida’s coastal salt marsh, was severely depleted. In the early 1990s the spotted owl of the United States Pacific Northwest sparked debate between conservationists concerned with the survival of this threatened animal and the local timber industry .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Endangered species Essay (695 words). (2019, Mar 18). Retrieved from

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