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    Effective Alzheimer’s Caregiver

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    Alzheimer’s disease is caused due to progressive disorder of brain. First nerve cells will fail in some areas of brain and it leads permanent loss of memory and death of the person. There is no cure for this Alzheimer’s disease. So as this disease is related to brain and memory loss more care and attention should be taken towards our loved ones. To give effective care to Alzheimer’s we should know about Alzheimer’s disease completely. We get more information about Alzheimer’s disease from the Alzheimer’s organizations and from the doctor and from the Internet also we can know.

    Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) involves a significant amount of time and energy. It is painful to watch someone you love become less able and finally unable to care for him – or herself.

    The responsibility and work involved can be rewarding, but it also creates stress. Caregivers are often referred to as the hidden victims of the disease. Too often caregivers don’t recognize their own needs. Taking care of yourself will help you be a better caregiver.

    Suggestions for Caregivers

    Alzheimer’s will be sometimes frightening so persons who are around them and who are taking care of them should be patient. There are many care homes, which are especially made for Alzheimer’s. In Alzheimer’s care homes specially trained nurses and doctors will be there who will take of them every day. There will be separate rooms for them. If we want to take care of our loved one at home then we should make time adjustments. We should be always with them. We should keep things like knives, stove, etc away from them. As Alzheimer’s mood changes rapidly. They will try to cut their hands from knives, etc. They will be in depression, anxiety, and anger suddenly without any reason.

    Caregivers should know about the symptoms of this Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the symptoms are memory loss, loss of initiative, forgetting names of friends and relatives, forgetting things happened just now, wandering in nights, poor in making judgments, etc.

    Alzheimer’s caregiving is not a temporary condition. It is a way of life, and former caregivers should be recognized for their skills.

    Problems for Caregivers

    Regardless of age, for the person caring for a spouse or loved one with Alzheimer’s, the changes caused by the disease take a heavy toll, both physically and mentally. According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), this stress felt by the caregiver can manifest itself in a number of ways:

    • Caregivers may find themselves angry at the person with Alzheimer’s, then angry at themselves for feeling this way.
    • They may be experiencing anxiety or irritability.
    • They may withdraw from friends and family, even though this is a time when support from friends and family is especially important.
    • They may be exhausted, yet unable to sleep.

    In addition, the Alzheimer’s Association says caregivers may develop depression or anxiety over changing roles and duties, as the partner with Alzheimer’s may no longer be able to do household or financial chores for which they were once responsible. There can also be an overwhelming feeling of aloneness.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Effective Alzheimer’s Caregiver. (2022, May 10). Retrieved from

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