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    Early-Late Renaissance Barron’s AP Art History Q and A

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    This work dates from:
    The work is
    an oil painting for private devotion
    unlike Italian renaissance painting, this northern European work
    has wings that fold closed over the main scene
    the people kneeling on the left are
    donors of the painting
    This painting represents a humanization of Biblical subjects by having
    the scene take place in a contemporary interior
    An example of an artist(s) associated with the International Gothic style of painting would be
    the Limbourh brothers
    an example of a polytych would be
    the ghent altarpiece
    A characteristic of oil paint is that it
    produces a shiny emamel-like surface
    this work was painted by
    van eyck
    a painting dome is grisaille looks
    like sculpture
    Holbein worked at the court of
    Henry VIII
    Which of the following painting is still in situ?
    The burial of count orgaz
    The marriage of Italian monumentality and Northern european detail can be seen in
    The Four Apostles
    The four Horsement of the Apocalypse are war, perstilence, death, and
    the isenheim altarpiece was orginally placed in a
    the protestant reformation had its most damaging effect on
    this work is a self-portrait of
    albrecht durer
    However, this work is also is also a portrait of the artist as Christ. This would have been interpreted as
    an expression of God’s creativity
    The Escorial functioned as a palace and as a
    royal mausoleum
    The Battle of Issus is meant to parallel the modern battles against

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Early-Late Renaissance Barron’s AP Art History Q and A. (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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