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    Early Italian Renaissance Paintings

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    “Damned Cast Into Hell”; Luca Signorelli; Pre-response to early reformation; scare protestants into questioning purgatory
    “St. Francis In Ecstasy”; Giovanni Bellini; natural world without religious iconography
    “Virgin and Child Enthroned”; Giovanni Bellini
    “Procession of the Relic of the True Cross Before the Church of St. Mark”; Gentile Bellini; religion meets modern setting
    “Room of the Newlyweds”; Mantegna; view in di sotto; foreshortening;
    “Dead Christ”; Mantegna
    “Primavera”; Botticelli; symbolizing fertile union and spring
    “Birth of Venus”; Botticelli; commissioned by Medici’s; represents divine love; non-christian context
    “Birth of the Virgin”; Ghirlandaio; patron in scene; classical and renaissance elements; religious scene in florentine home
    “Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds”; Ghirlandaio
    “Christ Delivering the keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter”; Pietro Perugino; propaganda for papal authority; atmospheric and linear perspective
    “The Resurrection”; Piero Della Francesca; triangular; secular setting; moral story in trees
    “Baptism of Christ”; Piero Della Francesca; geometrical; foreshortening;
    “The Last Supper”; Andrea del Castagno; for convent of nuns in dining hall
    “battle of San Romano”; Uccello; battle between Florence and Sienna; international Gothic and perspective
    “Portrait of a Man and Woman”; Fra Filippo Lippi; earliest surviving female portrait; side profile
    “The Annunciation”; Fra Angelico; linear perspective; modest; resembles foundling hospital porch
    “Expulsion of Adam and Eve”; Massaccio; psychological impact of expulsion vs. morality; shows underlying bone and muscle structure
    “The Tribute Money”; Massaccio; allegory; Brancacci Chapel; atmospheric and linear perspective; peter is recognized by his clothes
    “Trinity” Fresco; Massaccio; for Lenzi family tombstone; Tromp l’oeil

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    Early Italian Renaissance Paintings. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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