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    Drawing Examples from Two or More Caricom Institutions Essay

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    The revised treat also removes barriers to the cross-border movement and establishment of businesses, thus promoting investment and the intra-regional movement of goods, services, and capital. ” The International Oxford dictionary states that, the word overshadow means ‘to appear much more prominent or important than. ‘ To say that political disagreements between member countries have overshadowed Carom’s contribution to development in the Caribbean would be illogical. For while there have been disagreements within member countries, this does not negate he fact that this entity has lend a hand in the development of the region.

    One must agree with Thompson (2009) who stated: “sporadic disagreements among member states of a community do not equate to disunity, but rather, differences of opinion on how best to achieve such unity. ” To describe political disagreements that occur voting CAROM in the interest of development, problem-solving and unity as having an overshadowing effect on contributions is rather narrow-minded. CAROM is made up Of nations- members that each have their own agendas and interest. It is the purpose

    Of CAROM to sort and amalgamate those individual interests into regional interest thereby producing outcome that will enhance and develop the region. However to effectively and efficiently coalesce, concerns must be voiced and disagreement must be declared. For example, in 2009 the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago was accused of using non. Tariff barriers to block the importation of patties from Jamaica. The product was prohibited to enter the Twin island state for sanitary reasons. Trinidad and Tobago required that production facilities be inspected first.

    However, in the interest of continuous trade among Caribbean nations, the dispute was quickly resolved. Further Taste, one of Jamaican major patty producers, was given full clearance from CAROM. Acting upon recommendations to its Sanitary Evaluation Team, which visited the Taste site in Jamaica and declared its beef and chicken patties were tit for export throughout the region. ” Despite the disagreements member countries have, agreements have been made and have resulted in the creation of institutions by CAROM that has and continues to significantly contribute to the development of the Caribbean actions.

    Two such institutions are the Caribbean Examinations Council (EX.) and The University of the West Indies. The Caribbean Examination Council (EX.) was established in the 1972 by Commonwealth Caribbean Countries and Territories. With its has its headquarters in Barbados it’s mandated is to provide regionally and internationally recognized secondary school leaving examinations relevant to the needs of the Region also to produce teaching materials, train teachers to use the EX. syllabi and advise regional governments on Education matters.

    Cartooning 2003) posits that “the mandate of the EX. was to fashion a response to the Human Resource Development needs of the Region” The Caribbean Examination Council (EX.) has made tremendous contributions to CAROM by offering first class examinations that are recognized not only in the region but worldwide. Today EX. is synonymous with secondary school leavers and higher level education. Individuals who have sat and attained EX. certification, usually pursue a higher level to education.

    Some theses individuals go on to hold key positions at regional and international levels and eve made significant contribution in various fields of research. In Jamaica and the region the University of the West Indies is one of the preferred Institutions for higher learning. The University of the West Indies is the region’s premier educational institution and even though it was established before CAROM, it plays a leading role in the development of the region by producing well rounded human resources and conducting researches that are viable to the needs of the region.

    Apart from the fact that the University has produced many of the regions heads of government, it has established the LAWS-CAROM Project. This project geared toward the infusion of the Caribbean Community and the global population With pertinent views on CAROM and the work Of its Secretariat through information gathered by rigorous research and contained in invaluable publications, and radio and television documentaries. Carom secretariat website 2011) When a solution is reached or realized it is due to the fact that an issue or problem was recognized and or voiced. Therefore disagreements should not be seen as having more time in the spotlight that it ought. Although there have been disagreements among members of CAROM, the distinctive intrusions have not been overlooked, rather these contributions has its place behind disagreements as that which is the end result.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Drawing Examples from Two or More Caricom Institutions Essay. (2018, May 23). Retrieved from

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