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    What is a child with Down syndrome like?

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    Down Syndrome is not difficult to diagnose, doctors realize physicalcharacteristics of those with Down syndrome right in the delivery room. Although these characteristics have no functional or behavioral significance,questions are normally asked about Down syndrome.

    Parents do not normallysee a resemblance between their child an a child with Down syndrome. Mereappearance does not affect the childs behavior at all. Though physicalsymptoms are visual markers of other conditions that may impact the childsdevelopment. All different ages of people with Down syndrome shareappearance, and physical condition they also share some of the same kinds ofSome examples of physical characteristics are the eyes which aresmaller and more slanted, they also tend to be closer together. The fingers areshorter than a persons without Down syndrome they tend to bite and chew onthere fingers quite often, which could be hazardous and harmful. Manyphysical characteristics are involved with Down syndrome, like the nose,ears, skull, tongue, neck, and many more of these common characteristics areMany defects can come when you are diagnose with Down syndrome,heart disease is one that can be involved, and can be critical with this disease.

    A child with Down syndrome seams to lack the certain amount of whiteblood cells that a person needs when they are born. The white blood cellsplay a vital part in your immune system. Which is why you normally do notget measles or chicken pox more than once. When someone is lacking suchcells they are more at risk. The life span of a person with Downs varies anddepends on what defects are involved with that person individually. There is acertain type of lymphocyte that they call a natural killer because it gosthrough and kills the malignant in the body.

    Growth sizes are different from those without Down syndrome, whichis why people with Downs appear shorter. In the first 3 years of age thegrowth rate is below average, even adult height is well below average. Weight gain is especially slow in those with heart disease. Growth in headsize is also slower and usually follows the same pattern in height. Growthcharts are available for children with Down syndrome and are very useful inKnowing how to help your child could help even more.Bibliography: .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What is a child with Down syndrome like?. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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