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Do Video Games Make Young Adults More Violent

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    Does exposure to violent movies or video games make kids more aggressive? Although experts agree that no single factor can cause a nonviolent person to act aggressively, some studies (though not all) suggest that heavy exposure to violent media can be a risk factor for violent behavior. Teenagers or young adults most likely play video games. Some of the most popular video games right now in my opinion are Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege, Minecraft, Fortnite, Rocket League,Super Smash Bros: Ultimate, and Grand Theft Auto V. Some of these video games aren’t encouraging violence at all but in Grand Theft Auto V The game is based off of violence and guns with dangerous situations. But according to the website.

    “The evidence suggests that while playing violent video games can make people act a little more aggressively in some circumstances, they do not seem to be a big enough contributor to violent behavior in the world to warrant being mentioned as a cause of mass shootings.” Many medias think that video games are linked to mass shooting but if that was the case we would have kids who’ve only played video games try to shoot someone in real life but would find it is a lot scarier. It also depends on the persons mental health if they are going to do violent things. There have been many cases of kids even harming themselves over video games but that is only because of either anger issues or mental health, there is so many factors in this it is so difficult to only pin point one source of violence. For example there was a young kid who was “addicted” to Fortnite but it sounds like he just had problems in his life. 16 year old Dylan Connallon killed himself after he died in a game of Fortnite. In his suicide note he said he was in final two, then accidentally rocketed himself and died. He has been known to have injured himself due to video games in the past, breaking his hand over “NBA 2K” See in this situation I don’t think many people would kill themselves over a video game but it did happen. The video game was not the only cause of this he must of had some mental disorder or depression for example. But when he died in the game it pushed him over the edge to just kill him self.

    If video games were so bad and ,“Video game use has become pervasive in the American child’s life: More than 90% of U.S. children play some kind of video games; when considering only adolescents ages 12 – 17” why rant there so many more shooting from kids of so many of them play video games. “Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health published research in July that looked at meta-analyses of pre-existing studies. The team found that violent video games may increase aggressive behavior, but ‘these effects are almost always quite small.”

    But there can be two sides to this argument. “Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.”  Manhunt 2 has been labeled as possibly the most violent video game ever made and is famous for being one of only four video games to have received an ‘Adults Only’ rating due to how violent it is. Video Games actually have a possible chance of effecting children. Psychology proves that actions shown in front of children can be cause to how they will be when they are older. It is called “Conditioning Learning” where the brain takes in information at a young age and processes negative things sometimes. Taking in the negative things may cause them to think that the bad problems they are causing are ok. Psychologist say that some school shootings may be caused of these video games. Some of the school shootings were proven to be linked to video games. “There’s little evidence showing a relationship between violent video games and school shootings, but video games are often blamed for overall violence in our communities.

    Like it said there is so little evidence so could not even be considered the center for all violence. They can also be good though. “Playing video games involves skills like problem solving and sometimes teamwork. A study by researchers at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland, found that playing video games improves your communication and problem-solving skills. Video games can also help you become more creative.”

    Educational games allow kids to practice and develop physical skills such as hand-eye coordination. They can also work on spatial skills and fine motor skills. Interactive games help kids to do this in an integrated learning environment. I even remember in elementary school I would play video games with math and English. Today I still see kids practicing there typing skills on nitro type. Nitro Type is a video game that allows kids to type while earning money for cars in the game and you can customize and buy new cars. Also according to the article,”Science Proves that Playing Video Games Reduces Your Stress” Playing video games can relieve your stress, reduce your depression, and make you feel better. … Enough evidence in fact, that if video games aren’t a regular part of your life right now, adding a bit of game-playing time to your schedule could actually improve your mental health in many surprising ways.”

    In conclusion video games do not lead to violence and can not be grounded as the source for kids being aggressive or violet.

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    Do Video Games Make Young Adults More Violent. (2021, Jul 28). Retrieved from

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